
🧑‍💻 A complete set of road maps, tutorials, guides, exams, projects and etc. to become a master in Spring Framework!

CC0-1.0 License




To get started, first fork this repository and then clone it into your system. Then go to the syllabus and start learning.

  1. Install git on your system.
  2. Click the fork button in the top right corner of the screen as shown below:
  1. Then find spring-framework-101 in your repositories and copy the link as shown below:
  1. Finally, go to the terminal or cmd environment and run the command git clone <YOUR-LINK>. Note that instead of <YOUR-LINK> you have to put the link that you copied in the previous step.

What is this?

This repository is a set of roadmaps from 0 to 100 to become a master at Spring Framework. I tried to put in this collection everything you need to be able to call yourself a Spring Framework specialist.

In this repository, I am by your side from the first step, and step by step, I introduce you to all the concepts and issues that you should know in Spring Framework.

Wherever I could, I explained the lessons and topics on my own, and wherever I felt there was a better explanation than me on the internet, whether in text or video form, I provided the link.

Along with each lesson, I have included some examples and code examples, as well as a small exercise or project, so that in addition to theory and concepts, you can learn and gain practical experience.


  1. Knowing programming concepts such as variables, conditions, loops, etc. (If you do not know these, there is no problem, I have provided many resources so you can learn from them)
  2. Patience
  3. Practice
  4. No. 3=))

Who am I?

I am Soroush, and I recently graduated from the University of Guilan with a degree in Computer Engineering. I had no idea about programming before university, but when I got acquainted with it, I fell in love with it very much =)).

I have been programming in Java since 2017, and I am still learning and progressing in it. My primary specialty is the Spring framework, and I have experience developing systems based on web sockets. I like all kinds of programs and applications but love game development the most.

I love learning new things and teaching them to others; That's why during my studies, I was the TA of various lessons so that I could teach what I learned to junior students.

Why did I make this roadmap?


Who should use this roadmap?


How does this roadmap help you?

In this roadmap, I tried to show you step by step the path to specialization in Spring Framework.

In each lesson, there is a series of programming exercises that, in addition to theoretical learning, force you to code and get practically acquainted with problem-solving. I tried to give you exercise that engage you at all levels and teach you algorithmic thinking so that in the future, you can imagine and solve any problem in the real world in the form of loops and conditions of the programming world.

At the end of each chapter, I defined a project that challenges all the topics you learned in that chapter. I suggest you do all the exercises and projects because you can learn programming only with practice.

If you have trouble solving any problem or project or do not understand a lesson, feel free to ask your question here. I will answer your questions as soon as possible.

Effort is more important than talent

The most important thing needed to achieve any goal in life is effort. If you are struggling to learn and even frustrated, know that no one on earth was a programmer at birth.

The only thing that makes you a programmer is daily effort and practice.

Believe that every second you spend learning will pay off one day, and no effort in life will be in vain.

In the list below, I have collected videos about the importance of the effort and its result for you, which I suggest you watch.


This roadmap has been compiled by Soroush Shemshadi and the contributors.


If you want to contribute to this roadmap, please read the contribution guide.


If you need guidance to solve exercises and projects or have questions about a lesson, please mention them in the Discussions.

If you find any spelling or scientific errors in the course text or a bug in the sample code, please report it in the Issues.


Thanks to all the donors, contributors, people who reported bugs, and everyone who made it possible for me to present this great collection.