
Code for SpringBoot MicroServices Blog Series

MIT License



Code for SpringBoot MicroServices Blog Series

[!IMPORTANT] This is based on older versions of Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Spring Cloud Netflix. Please refer to the Spring Boot MicroServices Course for the latest version.

How to run?

Build all modules:

spring-boot-microservices-series> ./mvnw clean package -DskipTests=true

Start infrastructure modules in docker:

The simplest way to run all the services in Docker:

spring-boot-microservices-series> ./run.sh start_all

To start only infrastructure services (mysqldb, rabbitmq, config-server, service-registry, hystrix-dashboard) in docker:

spring-boot-microservices-series> ./run.sh start_infra

Start each microservice either in local or in docker:

Local: spring-boot-microservices-series/catalog-service> ./mvnw spring-boot:run

Docker: spring-boot-microservices-series> ./run.sh start <service>

Ex: spring-boot-microservices-series> ./run.sh start catalog-service

  • MySQL container:

    • hostname: mysqldb
    • Ports : 3306:3306 (<host_port>:<container_port>)
    • Username/Password: root/admin
  • RabbitMQ:

    • hostname: rabbitmq
    • Ports: 5672:5672, 15672:15672
    • Admin UI: http://localhost:15672
    • Username/password: guest/guest
  • Vault:

    • hostname: vault
    • Ports: 8200:8200
    • Root token: 934f9eae-31ff-a8ef-e1ca-4bea9e07aa09
  • config-server:

  • service-registry:

  • hystrix-dashboard:

  • catalog-service:

  • inventory-service

  • order-service

  • shoppingcart-ui