
OpenRC init script for Java applications based on Spring Boot

MIT License


= OpenRC runscript for Spring Boot Jakub Jirutka https://github.com/jirutka[@jirutka] //custom :name: spring-boot-openrc :gh-name: jirutka/{name}

This is OpenRC runscript for Java applications based on http://projects.spring.io/spring-boot/[Spring Boot].

== Requirements

== Installation

=== Alpine Linux

. Add edge/testing repository (e.g. http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing) to /etc/apk/repositories, if you don’t have it yet, and run apk update. . Install https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/testing/x86_64/{name}[{name}]:

[source, sh, subs="verbatim, attributes"] apk add {name}

=== Gentoo

. Add https://github.com/cvut/gentoo-overlay[CTU’s Gentoo Overlay] to your repos.conf or Layman (read https://github.com/cvut/gentoo-overlay#usage[howto]). . emerge -av dev-java/{name}

=== Manually

. Install socat (optional):
[source, sh]

emerge -av net-misc/socat # on Gentoo
apk add socat # on Alpine

. Clone this repository and jump in:
[source, sh, subs="verbatim, attributes"]

git clone https://github.com/{gh-name}.git
cd {name}

. Install runscript and example config: + ./install + You may use variable DESTDIR to specify the target directories.

== How to use

. Symlink runscript {name} for your application named e.g. myapp:
[source, sh, subs="verbatim, attributes"]

cd /etc/init.d
ln -s {name} myapp

. Configure runscript for myapp:
[source, sh, subs="verbatim, attributes"]

cp /etc/conf.d/{name} myapp
vim /etc/conf.d/myapp

. Start myapp: + rc-service myapp start

== License

This project is licensed under http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT/[MIT License]. For the full text of the license, see the link:LICENSE[LICENSE] file.

Package Rankings
Top 8.17% on Proxy.golang.org
Top 12.1% on Alpine-v3.9
Top 19.41% on Alpine-v3.17
Top 11.54% on Alpine-v3.7
Top 11.43% on Alpine-v3.6
Top 14.17% on Alpine-v3.14
Top 12.34% on Alpine-v3.8
Top 16.01% on Alpine-v3.15
Top 13.24% on Alpine-v3.13
Top 12.66% on Alpine-v3.12
Top 10.02% on Alpine-v3.5
Top 18.47% on Alpine-edge
Top 14.17% on Alpine-v3.10
Top 12.66% on Alpine-v3.11
Top 14.25% on Alpine-v3.18
Top 17.46% on Alpine-v3.16