
Spring Social Login is a demo application of how to build authentication and authorization into your Spring Boot application based on OAuth2 identity providers, such as Facebook, GitHub, Google, and others.

MIT License


Spring Social Login

What is Spring Social Login

Spring Social Login is a demo application of how to build authentication and authorization into your Spring Boot application based on OAuth2 identity providers, such as Facebook, GitHub, Google, and others.


Direct link

Getting Started


  • installed - Git
  • installed - Java 11
  • OAuth2 Client or App ID and Secret from the OAuth2 identity provider you are going to use for login. For example GitHub.

Creating OAuth2 identity provider app

Let's take GitHub as a demo identity provider

Go to https://github.com/settings/apps to create a new app and get Client ID and Client secret after creation.

It's also important to provide "User authorization callback URL" during app creation, so that GitHub will redirect to our application after a user authorizes. For the demo purposes set it to http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/github

Start the application

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/vzhemevko/spring-social-login.git

After cloning the repository go to src/main/resources/application.yml and update you app GitHub ID and secret

    client-id: <GITHUB APP ID>
    client-secret: <GITHUB APP SECRET>

Navigate to the root directory and build the project form the command line (alternatively, you can do it form IDE)

cd spring-social-login
gradlew build

Then you could run Spring Boot form the command line

gradlew bootRun

Or create run/debug configuration in your IDE with the main class


After go to http://localhost:8080


Feel free to submit pull requests



This project is licensed under the MIT License

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