
Spring Framework and RESTful API based Library Management System 基于Spring系列框架的图书馆管理系统



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Library Management System based on Spring Framework and RESTful API

Currently, the Athena Project contains following components:

  • A RESTful API /src/main/java
  • A WeChat Application /src/main/javascript
  • A frontend based on Angular /src/main/typescript

More components like the Android application will be included in future

This is project is inspired by the question from here


  • Manage different kinds of publication from book, journal to audio and more
  • Configurable from config file
  • Test Driven Development
  • RESTful API
  • Angular as front-end framework
  • JWT

Install & Preparation

Setup database

Use .sql file /src/resource/database.sql to setup the database.

Add config file

To install the application, first need to create some config file in resources

Or you can copy the key in /src/main/java/resource/ and src/main/java/resource/ , then create corresponding new config file


    Config MySQL

    key value
    spring.datasource.url The url of datasource
    spring.datasource.username Username
    spring.datasource.password Password
    spring.datasource.driverClassName Drive class

    Config Redis

    Spring Boot has configure most of the configuration for us. Table below lists the configuration that I changed. See this document to find all the auto-configuration that Spring Boot defined

    key value
    spring.redis.database Index of the redis, default 0 Host of the redis, default localhost
    spring.redis.port Port of the redis, default 6379
    spring.redis.password Password of the redis

    Config MongoDB

    key value Mongo server host Authentication database name Login user of the mongo server Login password of the mongo server Database name

    Config JWT

    key value
    security.token.key The key of JWT Authentication
    security.token.header The key of JWT in HTTP header
    security.token.prefix The prefix of JWT
    security.token.expirationtime The expiration time of JWT

    Config search param

    key value
    search.default.count The default value on how much result to return per page
    search.limit.expiredtime How long before reset the time that unauthenticated user
    search.limit.prefix The prefix added to the remote address of the request when stored and queried in Redis
    search.limit.get.times How much get request can perform for unauthenticated user within expired time

    Config url

    key value
    web.url the whole url prefix of project. e.g http://localhost:8080/api/v1
    web.url.prefix the url without protocol host and port e.g /api/v1

    Config Privilege

    key value
    privilege.sequence The sequence that denote the importance of privilege.

Install required library

Run following command in command line to install library by maven mvn

The following dependencies are required by Athena, you can also find them in the pom.xml

  • Spring Boot Starter
    • spring-boot-starter-data-redis
    • spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
    • spring-boot-starter-web
    • spring-boot-starter-security
    • spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb
  • Mysql Connector
  • Apache Common
  • Jpinyin
  • Jjwt
  • Springfox Swagger2

The dependencies below are required for test

  • DBUnit
  • Spring Security Test

    Note that the spring security does not contain some of useful component such as @WithMockUser

  • Kotlin Stdlib Jre8
  • Kotlin Test

    Athena will use Kotlin for test

  • Fongo
  • NoSqlUnit


First, start the test databases by docker:

docker-compose up -d

To run the application, use

mvn spring-boot:run


To access the api documentation, first run the application and then access the


Exception Check List

Among the Athena, we may encounter different kind of exceptions. The Http standard status code(like 401,400) may not be enough. Thus, we introduce some custom status code which will be include in the response body when exception happens.

code meaning
400 BadRequest
4001 Invalid Copy type
4002 Illegal entity attribute
4003 Illegal borrow request
4004 Illegal return request
4005 Unsupported Params
401 Unauthorized
4010 Unauthorized
4011 JWT token is expired
4012 JWT token uses an unsupported algorithm
4013 Malformed JWT token
4014 JWT token's signature is not supported
403 Forbidden
4031 Cannot delete certain resource because some other resource is not deletable now.
4032 Current logged in user does not have enough permission to perform operation.
404 Not Found
4040 Resource not found
4041 Resource not found because the provided id is not exist
40411 Copy cannot be stored because correspond book does not exist
429 Too Many Requests
4290 Too many requests
4291 Too many requests for search
500 Server Error
5001 Error regarding database connection or repository
Extracted from project README
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