
Software Delivery Machine for Axon projects

APACHE-2.0 License


Software Delivery Machine for Axon projects

The SDM framework enables you to control your delivery process in code. Think of it as an API for your software delivery. See this introduction for more information on the concept of a Software Delivery Machine and how to create and develop on an SDM.

Axon is an end-to-end development and infrastructure platform for smoothly evolving Event-Driven microservices focused on CQRS and Event Sourcing.

This SDM is build on top of the official Atomist Spring Boot SDM, it can:

  • run goals in respond to a commit.
    • run your tests in the background
    • deploy locally or in the cloud, and be sure that you’re doing manual testing on committed code
    • apply autofixes directly in your repository
    • check code inspections and tell you when you’ve violated them
  • execute commands

Table of Contents

Getting Started - local mode

When you run this SDM in local mode, it operates in the privacy of your laptop.

Clone this repo to:


Note: <owner> is your Github owner, e.g: idugalic

Install the Atomist command-line utility

$ npm install -g @atomist/cli

Note: Make sure that you have node and npm available.

Start your local SDM

Install the project dependencies using NPM, compile the TypeScript, and start your SDM in local mode:

$ cd ~/atomist/projects/<owner>/axon-sdm
$ atomist start --local

See messages from SDM

In order to see messages from events (not interspersed with logs), activate a message listener in another terminal:

atomist feed

Using the SDM

List all skills (commands that you can use to transfrom your project) of the SDM:

$ atomist s


Create new Axon (java, maven, spring boot) project
$ atomist create axon-java-spring

Creates new project under ~/atomist/projects/<owner>/ folder by using as a seed.

Newly created project is an Axon application written in Java that uses Axon Server

  • as an event store, and
  • to dispatch messages (commands, events and queries)
Create new Axon (java, maven, spring boot) project with structure
$ atomist create axon-java-spring-with-structure

Creates new project under ~/atomist/projects/<owner>/ folder by using (branch with-structure) as a seed.

Newly created project is an Axon application written in Java that uses Axon Server.

  • as an event store, and
  • to dispatch messages (commands, events and queries)

Basic package structure is included (command, query, api, ...). Architecture test included. It checks if the classes in command and query packages are package private. This enables loose coupling and high cohesion.

Create new Axon (kotlin, maven, spring boot) project
$ atomist create axon-kotlin-spring

Creates new project under ~/atomist/projects/<owner>/ folder by using as a seed.

Newly created project is an Axon application written in Kotlin that uses Axon Server

  • as an event store, and
  • to dispatch messages (commands, events and queries)
Create new Axon (kotlin, maven, spring boot) project with structure
$ atomist create axon-kotlin-spring-with-structure

Creates new project under ~/atomist/projects/<owner>/ folder by using (branch with-structure) as a seed.

Newly created project is an Axon application written in Kotlin that uses Axon Server

  • as an event store, and
  • to dispatch messages (commands, events and queries)

Basic package structure is included (command, query, api, ...). Architecture test included. It checks if the classes in command and query packages are acessible from this pages only. This enables loose coupling and high cohesion.

Code transforms

Set Axon version (maven)
$ atomist set axon-version

Sets all maven Axon dependencies with the group (org.axonframework) to a new desired version.

The change will be introduced within specific branch axon-upgrade-<new-version>.

Exclude Axon Server Connector (maven)
$ atomist exclude axon-server-connector

Excludes transitive maven Axon dependency axon-server-connector from axon-spring-boot-starter.

The change will be introduced within specific branch exclude-axon-server-connector.

Add Spring (Boot) AMQP dependencies (maven, spring boot)
$ atomist add amqp

Adds maven dependencies required for Spring Boot AMQP integration: axon-amqp-spring-boot-starter and spring-boot-starter-amqp

The change will be introduced within specific branch add-amqp-dependencies.

Set desired Serializer (maven, spring boot)
$ atomist set serializer

Sets desired Serializer for Axon Spring Boot project. Possible values are default, xstream, java, and jackson

The change will be introduced within specific branch set-serializer-<desired serializer>.

Other code transforms

This SDM is built on top of the Spring SDM, so you can use other code transfroms that are available by Spring SDM:

$ atomist try to upgrade Spring Boot
$ atomist add Maven dependency 
$ atomist add spring boot starter
$ atomist add spring boot actuator
$ atomist list branch deploys

Getting Started - team mode

In team mode, your SDM connects to the Atomist service.

Deploying your SDM

You can run Software Delivery Machines (SDMs) in many different environments, ranging from your laptop or data center to Platform-as-a-Service offerings like Heroku and Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

Atomist also supports running SDMs as Docker containers. This allows you to operate them in Kubernetes clusters or Google Container Engine, for example.

This document explains various ways to run SDMs.

Running in Docker

With the Dockerfile in place, you can start the Docker build:

$ npm run build 
$ docker build . -t idugalic/axon-sdm

Running the Docker container locally:

$ docker run -d -e ATOMIST_CONFIG='{"workspaceIds": ["YOUR_WORSPACE_IDs"],"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY","sdm": {"cloudfoundry": {"api": "","user": "[email protected]","password": "YOUR_PWS_PASSWORD","org": "axoniq","spaces": {"staging": "staging","production": "production"}}}}' --name my-axon-sdm idugalic/axon-sdm

In Docker, the SDM will only run in team mode.

On the web interface, you can find the Workspace ID on the settings page (click the gear), and your API Key by clicking on your username in the upper right.

Cloud Foundry over docker

$ docker push idugalic/axon-sdm

You can deploy docker image to cloudfoundry (make sure your manifest.yml has correct API Key, workspace Ids, and PWS credentials):

$ cf push axon-sdm --docker-image idugalic/axon-sdm -m 1024M -k 2048M

Debugging an SDM

You can debug your SDM on your laptop.

Instead of atomist start at the command line, start it up in a debugger. In VSCode, the debug configuration looks like:

  "type": "node",
  "request": "launch",
  "name": "Launch SDM",
  "program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/@atomist/automation-client/bin/start.js",
  "env": {
      "ATOMIST_MODE": ""

If you want the SDM to run in local mode, put “local” in the ATOMIST_MODE environment variable (eg. "ATOMIST_MODE": "local").

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