
Udemy course "Spring for beginners" by Zaur Tregulov


"Spring " Udemy


Spring Framework: Spring IoC & DI, Spring AOP, Spring Web MVC, Spring REST API, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, Spring Boot Hibernate Framework Tomcat, MySQL, JSP, JSTL, JSON

  1. ** IoC DI** 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Inversion of Control. 1 1.4. Inversion of Control. 2 1.5. Dependency Injection. 1.6. Dependency Injection 1.7. Dependency Injection 1.8. 1.9. properties 1.10. IoC DI 1.11. Bean scope 1.12. init destroy 1.13. 1.14. @Autowired 1.15. @Autowired 1.16. @Autowired 1.17. @Qualifier 1.18. @Value 1.19. @Scope, @PostConstruct @PreDestroy 1.20. Java code. 1 1.21. Java code. 2 1.22. @PropertySource

  2. ** (AOP)** 2.1. . 2.2. Advice @Before 2.3. Pointcut. 1 2.4. Pointcut. 2 2.5. Pointcut 2.6. Pointcut 2.7. Aspect- 2.8. Join Point 2.9. Advice @AfterReturning 2.10. Advice @AfterThrowing 2.11. Advice @After 2.12. Advice @Around. 2.13. Advice @Around.

  3. ** Hibernate** 3.1. Hibernate. 3.2. MySQL 3.3. Java 3.4. 3.5. Java 3.6. Primary Key 3.7. Java 3.8. Java 3.9. Java 3.10. 3.11. -- (Uni-directional). 1 3.12. -- (Uni-directional). 2 3.13. -- (Bi-directional) 3.14. -- (Bi-directional) 3.15. -- (Uni-directional) 3.16. eager lazy 3.17. --. 1 3.18. --. 2

  4. Spring MVC 4.1. Spring MVC 4.2. Spring MVC (IntelliJ IDEA + NetBeans) 4.3. Spring MVC 4.4. View 4.5. Model 4.6. @RequestParam 4.7. @RequestMapping Controller 4.8. Spring MVC input 4.9. Spring MVC select 4.10. Spring MVC radiobutton 4.11. Spring MVC checkbox 4.12. @Size, @NotEmpty, @NotBlank 4.13. @Min, @Max, @Pattern 4.14.

  5. Spring MVC + Hibernate + AOP 5.1. Spring MVC + Hibernate 5.2. 5.3. @Service 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. AOP

  6. Spring REST 6.1. REST API 6.2. JSON 6.3. HTTP GET POST 6.4. REST API 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. ID 6.8. 6.9. 6.10. 6.11. 6.12. 6.13. REST Client

  7. Spring Security 7.1. Spring Security 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6.

  8. Spring Boot 8.1. Spring Boot 8.2. Spring Boot 8.3. REST API. 1 8.4. REST API. 2 8.5. JPA REST API 8.6. JpaRepository 8.7. Spring Data REST 8.8. Spring Boot Actuator

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