
Onion Store is a modern e-commerce platform built with ASP.NET Core API and Onion Architecture.


🐳 Docker Compose

This project utilizes Docker Compose to define and run a multi-container application consisting of:

  • Redis Caching: Provides caching capabilities to enhance performance.
  • SQL Server Database: Serves as the data storage for the application.
  • API: Hosts the application's backend logic and endpoints.

💎 Prerequisites

🎇 Setup and Configuration

1- Clone the Repository

git clone "https://github.com/ahmedeldamity/Mercora"
cd Mercora

2- Build and Start Containers

Use Docker Compose to build and start all containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

docker-compose up --build

This command will build the necessary images (if not already built) and start the containers as defined.

3- Access the Services

  • API: Access the API at http://localhost:8080.
  • SQL Server Database: Connect to the SQL Server using the connection string Server=store_database;Database=StoreDatabase;User Id=sa;Password=PAssWord**;.
  • Redis Caching: Redis can be accessed at redis://localhost:6379.

Persisting Data

Data for SQL Server and Redis is persisted using Docker volumes. Ensure that volumes are properly configured in docker-compose.yml to prevent data loss on container restarts.

Database ERD

The Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the SQL Server database is included below. This diagram illustrates the structure of the database, including tables, relationships, and key constraints.

✔️ Health Check

The application includes a unified health check endpoint to monitor the status of various system components:

  • SQL Server Database: Ensures the connection to the store database is healthy.
  • Redis Caching: Verifies the availability and functionality of the Redis caching system.
  • Hangfire Job Processing: Checks the status of Hangfire to ensure background jobs are being processed correctly.
  • Mail Service: Monitors the mail service to confirm that emails can be sent.

🔄 API Versioning

API versioning is supported to ensure backward compatibility as the API evolves. Clients can specify the version via the URL path, query string, or request headers.

⏳ Rate Limiting

The API uses multiple rate limiting strategies to manage traffic:

  • Fixed Window: Limits requests within a defined time window.
  • Sliding Window: Allows a smoother request flow by checking limits within a moving time window.
  • Concurrency Limit: Restricts the number of concurrent requests being processed at the same time.

API Endpoints

Health Check :

Method Endpoint Description
GET /_health Returns the health status of the system.


Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/product Retrieve a list of products.
GET /api/product/{id} Retrieve details of a specific product.
POST /api/product Add a new product.
PUT /api/product/{id} Update product.
DELETE /api/product/{id} Delete a product.

Brands :

Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/brand Retrieve a list of brands.
GET /api/brand/{id} Retrieve details of a specific brand.
GET /api/brand/search Retrieve details of a specific brand.
POST /api/brand Add a new brand
PUT /api/brand/{id} Update brand.
DELETE /api/brand/{id} Delete a brand.

Categories :

Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/category Retrieve a list of categories.
GET /api/category/{id} Retrieve details of a specific category.
GET /api/category/search Retrieve details of a specific category.
POST /api/category Add a new category
PUT /api/category/{id} Update category.
DELETE /api/category/{id} Delete a category.

Delivery Methods :

Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/DeliveryMethod Retrieve a list of Delivery Methods.
GET /api/DeliveryMethod/{id} Retrieve details of a specific Delivery Method.
POST /api/DeliveryMethod Add a new Delivery Method
PUT /api/DeliveryMethod/{id} Update Delivery Method.
DELETE /api/DeliveryMethod/{id} Delete a Delivery Method.

Account :

Method Endpoint Description
Post /api/v1.0/Account/register Register a new user and receive a JWT token V-1.0
Post /api/v2.0/Account/register Register a new user and receive a JWT token V-2.0
Post /api/v2.1/Account/register Register a new user and receive a JWT token V-2.1
Post /api/v1.0/Account/login Authenticate a user and receive a JWT token V-1.0
Post /api/v2.0/Account/login Authenticate a user and receive a JWT token V-2.0
POST /api/v1/Account/google-login Authenticate a user and receive a JWT token.
GET /api/v1/Account Get Current User.
GET /api/v1/Account/refresh-token Get New Refresh Token.
Post /api/v1/Account/revoke-token Revoke Refresh Token.

Authentications :

Method Endpoint Description
Post /api/v1/Auth/send-email-verification-code Send Email Verification Code V-1.0
Post /api/v2/Auth/send-email-verification-code Send Email Verification Code V-2.0
Post /api/v1/Auth/verify-register-code Verify Register Code.
Post /api/v1/Auth/send-password-verification-code Send Password Reset Email V-1.0
Post /api/v2/Auth/send-password-verification-code Send Password Reset Email V-2.0
Post /api/v1/Auth/Verify-Reset-Code Verify Reset Code.
Post /api/v1/Auth/change-password Change Password.

Basket :

Method Endpoint Description
Post /api/Basket Create or Update Basket.
GET /api/Basket/{id} Retrieve the current user's basket.
DELETE /api/Basket/{id} Delete Basket.

Payment :

Method Endpoint Description
Post /api/Payment/{{basketId}} Create or Update Payment.

Order :

Method Endpoint Description
Post /api/Order Create Order.
GET /api/Order Get User Orders.
GET /api/Order/{{id}} Get Order By Id

⚔ Stopping and Removing Containers

To stop and remove all running containers, use:

docker-compose down
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