
Creates, shows and summaries your orders


Orders Manaegment System

Order Management System WPF application which works with orders, based on database Northwind.

In this application you can see Programming language: C# Frameworks: Prism , ReactiveUI , DynamicData Patterns: MVVM, Dependency Injection Containers: IOC container Unity Data Storage: Microsoft SQL Server 2017 UI Markup: XAML UI Controls: Syncfusion WPF Contorls 2019 Reporting: Mirosoft RDLC + Syncfusion Report Viewer Styling: Material Design Themes Animations: WPF animations


You need to have Northwind database on your Microsoft SQL Server


Don`t forget to turn on backend in order if you will access remote database

Prism + ReactiveUI + DynamicData

Responsibilities of Prism: Navigation + Modularity Responsibilities of ReactiveUI: ViewModels + Messaging + Other useful functions(Like event to command) Responsibilities of DynamicData: Read, write, and edit of collections


Prism gave an opportunity to build composite application. App was divide into several modules where each view of module was divided into regions. Also PRISM make possible to handle navigation events.


This framework provided base class for all viewmodels and opportunity to send messages between viewmodels.


Fast UI would not be possible, if there were not Dynamic Data , which fills, edits, filters and do a lot of other operations above collections in asynchronous style.

Change between Local and Remote repository

This application consume data from Local and Remote repositories. If you want to change repository you can find OMSWPFClien.exe.config file in bin->Debug and change app setting AccessRepository's value to Remote or Local.

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