
Outbox implementation for Kafka with Couchbase, MSSQL and PostgreSQL.

MIT License





  • Polling Outbox Publisher is an outbox implementation for distributed systems. It uses an outbox algorithm and async transactions
    to ensure that no events are lost during processing.
  • This application uses a straightforward approach where it periodically checks for new messages and publishes them in
    groups to the Kafka cluster. It deliberately avoids more complex data transfer technologies like Debezium Change Data
    Capture (CDC) or Couchbase Data Change Protocol (DCP). While those options might offer better performance and
    efficiency, this application prioritizes simplicity, ease of use, and maintaining independence from other systems.
  • It also supports multiple instances to increase the reliability of the system.

Getting Started


  • .NET 8.0 or higher
  • SQL Server 2016 or higher
  • Redis 5.0 or higher
  • Kafka 2.5 or higher


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Trendyol/PollingOutboxPublisher.git
  1. Open the project in a IDE of your choice.
  2. Add the config file (/src/config/config.json) and secret file (/src/config/secret.json).
  3. Set as 0 the first row in the OutboxOffset.
  4. Run the project.
  5. The project will start the publish messages in the OutboxEvents data store.
  6. That's it! You're ready to go!



  • The application can be use Couchbase, PostgreSQL or MSSQL as a data store.
  • Each data store has its own implementation and corresponding repository.
  • Each data store is corresponding to a table in the database or a bucket in the Couchbase.
  • The application uses four different data stores to manage the messages.
    1. OutboxEvents: The data store that holds the messages to be published.
    2. MissingEvents: The data store that holds the messages that could not be published.
    3. ExceededEvents: The data store that holds the messages that could not be published after the retry limit is
    4. OutboxOffset: The data store that holds the last published OutboxEvents ID.


  1. The application will start getting the next batch of messages from the OutboxEvents data store.
  2. Then, it will publish the messages in parallel to the Kafka cluster.
  3. If an error occurs during the publishing process, the application will move the messages to MissingEvents
    and retry the publishing messages in batches.
    • When getting batch of event from OutboxEvents incremental ID list expected to be continuous. If there
      is a gap in the ID list, the application will move the messages to the MissingEvents and retry the
      publishing messages in batches.
  4. If the retry limit is reached, the application will move the message to the ExceededEvents.
  5. If the batch of messages is successfully published, the application will update the OutboxOffset with the
    last message id.
  6. The application will continue to publish messages from the last message id in the OutboxEvents data store.
  7. If the application is stopped, it will continue from the last message id in the OutboxOffset data store.

You can see some basic diagrams below to summarize the algorithm: img.png

Multiple Instances

Multiple instances of the application can be run at the same time to increase the reliability of the system. But, only one instance should be the Master Pod at a time. MasterPodLock is a distributed lock that is used to determine the Master Pod, and It has a TTL(time-to-live value).

  1. The first instance that take the MasterPodLock will be the Master Pod and will start publishing messages.
    • MasterPodLock is a simple redis key. If lock taken, the value of the key is setted as pod name which is getting from Environment value. If Environment doesn't have pod name, GUID is used.
  2. The rest of the instances will be Follower Pods and will try to take the MasterPodLock every certain amount of
  3. Also, the Master Pod will try to extend the MasterPodLock every certain amount of time.
  4. If the Master Pod fails, the one of the Follower Pods will take the MasterPodLock and become the new
    Master Pod.
  5. This feature can be disabled by setting the MasterPodSettings.IsActive to false, but don't forget to make sure
    that only one instance is running at a time.

[!WARNING] If there will be multiple instances, the MasterPodSettings.IsActive should be set to true. Otherwise, messages can be duplicated or not published.


The application can be configured using the config.json and secret.json files. Here are the configurations you can set:

Key Type Description
Kafka.SaslUsername string The username for the SASL authentication of the Kafka cluster.
Kafka.Brokers string The addresses of the Kafka brokers.
Kafka.SaslPassword string The password for the SASL authentication of the Kafka cluster.
Kafka.SslCaLocation string The location of the SSL certificate for the Kafka cluster.
Kafka.SslKeystorePassword string The SSL Keystore Password
Kafka.SaslMechanism string The SSL Mechanism. Default: ScramSha512
Kafka.SecurityProtocol string The SSL Protocol. Default: SaslSsl
Kafka.BatchSize string The Batch Size of the Kafka Publisher. Default: 512 * 1024
Kafka.LingerMs string The Linger of the Kafka Publisher. Default: 10
Kafka.CompressionType string The Compression Type of the Kafka Publisher. Default: Snappy
Kafka.MessageMaxBytes string The Message Max Bytes of the Kafka Publisher. Default: 30000000
Kafka.Acks string The Acks of the Kafka Publisher Default: Leader
BenchMarkOptions.IsPublishingOn bool A flag indicating whether publishing is on. Can be used when load testing.
WorkerSettings.OutboxEventsBatchSize int The batch size for outbox events. The amount of messages is published in paralells.
WorkerSettings.QueueWaitDuration int The wait duration for to take next batch of messages.
WorkerSettings.MissingEventsBatchSize int The batch size for missing events. The amount of missing messages is published in paralells.
WorkerSettings.MissingEventsWaitDuration int The wait duration to take next batch of missing events.
WorkerSettings.MissingEventsMaxRetryCount int The maximum retry count for missing events.
WorkerSettings.BrokerErrorsMaxRetryCount int The maximum retry count for broker errors.
WorkerSettings.RedeliveryDelayAfterError int The delay after an error before redelivery the batch of missing events.
ConnectionString string The connection string for the SQL database. It can be used for both MsSQL and PostgreSQL.
ReadOnlyConnectionString string The connection string for the Readonly SQL database. This config is optional and only work for MsSQL. If doesn't provided ConnectionString will be used.
Couchbase.Host string The hostname or IP address of the Couchbase server.
Couchbase.Username string The username for authentication with Couchbase.
Couchbase.Bucket string The name of the Couchbase bucket to access data.
Couchbase.Scope string The scope within the bucket to access data.
Couchbase.Password string The password for authentication with Couchbase.
DataStoreSettings.DatabaseType string The chosen database type. It can be MSSQL, Couchbase or PostgreSQL
DataStoreSettings.OutboxEvents string The name of the outbox event data store.
DataStoreSettings.MissingEvents string The name of the missing event data store.
DataStoreSettings.ExceededEvents string The name of the exceeded event data store.
DataStoreSettings.OutboxOffset string The name of the outbox offset data store. Holds the last published OutboxEvents Id
MasterPodSettings.IsActive bool A flag indicating whether the master pod checker is active. Should be active if multiple pods is using.
MasterPodSettings.CacheName string The name of the distributed lock key. This key should be same for the multiple instances of the app.
MasterPodSettings.MasterPodLifetime int The lifetime of the master pod. The TTL of the distributed lock.
MasterPodSettings.MasterPodRaceInterval int The interval to take MasterPodLock for MasterPod and FollowerPods.
MasterPodSettings.IsMasterPodCheckInterval int The check interval for the FollowerPods. The check without intervals causes high CPU usage; because of that, this is needed.
Redis.Endpoints string The endpoints for the Redis instance.
Redis.DefaultDatabase int The default database for the Redis instance.
Redis.Config string The configuration for the Redis instance.
Redis.Password string The password for the Redis instance.
Serilog object The configuration for Serilog.


In the examples folder, you'll find example files for config.json, secret.json, and implementation on how to insert messages for each database type

[!WARNING] For the Couchbase, incremental ID is used for the OutboxEvents data store. If you want to use the Couchbase, you should use a Counter for the ID. You can find the example code in the CouchbaseExample class.


Released under the MIT License.


See the CONTRIBUTING file for details.


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