
A pure client-side full-text search engine for static websites, using WebAssembly

OTHER License


= BlogSearch

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:project-version: 0.0.3 :rootdir:

ifdef::env-github[] // Emoji :tip-caption: 💡 :note-caption: ℹ️ :important-caption: ❗ :caution-caption: 🔥 :warning-caption: ⚠️ // URL :imagesdir: endif::[]


image::docs/demo.gif[link=][Try it!]

[.lead] BlogSearch is a blogging tool that enables a search engine without any external services.

This is like[DocSearch] but for blogs.

More technically, BlogSearch is a pure client-side, full-text search engine for static websites, powered by SQLite compiled to WebAssembly.


.Sister project:

== Concepts

=== Workflow overview

[cols="50%,50%", options="noheader"] |=== 2+| The workflow is consist of two steps: 1. You build an index file .db.wasm, then copy it to the public directory. 2. The engine in the webpage will read the index file and enables the search.

| 1. Build an index file | 2. Enable the search

a| The index file .db.wasm is a small database file that contains the contents of your website. You can use easy-to-use index building tools:

  • Jekyll (link:./jekyll-blogsearch[jekyll-blogsearch])
  • Gatsby (link:./gatsby-plugin-blogsearch[gatsby-plugin-blogsearch])
  • Hugo (link:./blogsearch-crawler[blogsearch-crawler])
  • Generic crawler (link:./blogsearch-crawler[blogsearch-crawler])

Then you copy the generated .db.wasm to the public directory (where index.html located) of website.

a| Your webpage should load the blogsearch engine. There is only one engine available:

  • BlogSearch Engine (link:./blogsearch[blogsearch])

Load the engine using tag or in JavaScript file. Once the engine fetch the .db.wasm file correctly, now you have a fully working searchable webpage!


NOTE: Throughout the project, the terms "index" and "database" are often mixed, but they mean same SQLite .db.wasm file in the most of the case.

[#building-index] === 1. Building a search index file ==== Installing an index building tool

  • Jekyll (link:./jekyll-blogsearch[jekyll-blogsearch])
  • Gatsby (link:./gatsby-plugin-blogsearch[gatsby-plugin-blogsearch])
  • Hugo (link:./blogsearch-crawler[blogsearch-crawler])
  • Generic crawler (link:./blogsearch-crawler[blogsearch-crawler])

[#whats-in-the-index] ==== What's in the index file Users should configure an index building tool to collect the value of fields in order to work the search engine properly.

The index building tool should collect the following default fields for each posts:


  • title: The title of the post.
  • body: The content of the post.
  • url: The URL link to the post.
  • categories: A comma-separated (,) list of categories that the post belongs to.
  • tags: A comma-separated (,) list of tags that the post has.

Users can configure every fields using the following properties:

[cols="50%,50%", options="header,unbreakable", stripes=even] .Common options for the field |===

| Example | Result

2+| disabled: If set true, completely disable the field.


{ ...other field options... categories: {

  • disabled: true,

2+| hasContent: If set false, the index building tool won't store the value of the field, but still indexes its value. This can be used to reduce the size of a generated index file by the tool. This is useful especially when the size of body field contents is big.

In the following example, the size of the index file .db.wasm is decreased.


{ ...other field options... body: {

  • hasContent: false,

2+| indexed: If set false, disable indexing for the field. Its value will still appears in the search result. It is especially useful for url field, whose value is not meaningful for search.


{ ...other field options... url: {

  • indexed: false,


NOTE: Your index building tool may has tool-specific options for the field (e.g. parser option for link:./blogsearch-crawler[blogsearch-crawler]). See the documentation of your index building tool for details.

=== 2. Enabling the search engine on the web

.It's as simple as:

For the further details and options, go to link:./blogsearch[the subdirectory of blogsearch].

== QnA === Which search engine technology used in this project? The search engine basically is SQLite with[the FTS5 extension], compiled to WebAssembly. The SQLite FTS5 offers[the built-in BM25 ranking algorithm] for the search functionality. As SQLite is the most portable database engine, you can open any SQLite database files on the web too! Thanks to SQLite, we can easily write plugins for BlogSearch with link:./blogsearch-crawler/database.ts[just a few SQL queries] in different programming languages.

=== Why .db.wasm is recommended file extension index? It's not a WebAssembly binary file. Why not just .db? I tried to make it .db but there is a big problem: the index file is not gzip-compressed by the web server. Popular blog web services (especially GitHub Pages) usually serve a .db file as application/octet-stream and do not compress the file. By lying that it is a WebAssembly binary file .wasm, the servers recognize it as application/wasm and ship it compressed.

Compression is important because it significantly reduces the file size. I saw the size is reduced up to 1/3.

== Building from source

=== Workflow

To avoid "But it works on my machine" problem, it is strongly recommended to use Docker for building tasks.

Although this repository is a monorepo where each subprojects has own build scripts, you can easily run tasks in the root directory.

TIP: If you want to build a specific subproject only, go to the subdirectory and run[yarn] commands.

The required tools are the following:

Although it is a JS project Makefile is used because it is much more configuratble and supports building in parallel.

For specific NodeJS versions used in the project, please look at link:./Dockerfile[the Dockerfile].

==== Prepare

Or yarn install, without docker

make install-in-docker

==== Build libraries

Or yarn install, without docker

make lib-in-docker

==== Run a demo server

make start-in-docker

You can access the demo page via

==== Testing

Or make test, without docker

make test-in-docker

Run it in parallel

make test-in-docker -j4 --output-sync=target

==== Rebuild example index files

WARNING: This will take a lot of time! (~30 mintues)


It is highly recommended to use docker here

make examples-in-docker && make demo-in-docker

==== Build everything

WARNING: This will take a lot of time! (~30 mintues)


Or make all, without docker

make all-in-docker


Parallel builds. This reduces the build time almost an half on my machine.

make all-in-docker -j4 --output-sync=target

==== Rebuild everything

make clean

Then run any commands above

==== Get into a bash session in the container

make bash-in-docker

== Credits & License

This project is inspired by[DocSearch] and has a reimplementation of it in TypeScript.

Other than that, the project is MIT License. See link:./LICENSE[LICENSE]

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