
SQL generator written in Go.

MIT License


Importing pan

import ""

About pan

pan is an SQL query building and response unmarshalling library for Go. It is designed to be compatible with MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, but should be more or less agnostic. Please let us know if your favourite SQL flavour is not supported.

Pan is not designed to be an ORM, but it still eliminates much of the boilerplate code around writing queries and scanning over rows.

Pans design focuses on reducing repetition and hardcoded strings in your queries, but without limiting your ability to write any form of query you want. It is meant to be the smallest possible abstraction on top of SQL.

Docs can be found on

Using pan

Pan revolves around structs that fill the SQLTableNamer interface, by implementing the GetSQLTableName() string function, which just returns the name of the table that should store the data for that struct.

Let's say you have a Person in your code.

type Person struct {
    ID    int     `sql_column:"person_id"`
    FName string  `sql_column:"fname"`
    LName string  `sql_column:"lname"`
    Age   int

And you have a corresponding Person table:

| Field     | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| person_id | int         | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| fname     | varchar(20) | NO   |     | ''      |       |
| lname     | varchar(20) | NO   |     | ''      |       |
| age       | int         | NO   |     | 0       |       |

Note: Unless you're using sql.NullString or equivalent, it's not recommended to allow NULL in your data. It may cause you trouble when unmarshaling.

To use that Person type with pan, you need it to fill the SQLTableNamer interface, letting pan know to use the person table in your database:

func (p Person) GetSQLTableName() string {
    return "person"

Creating a query

// selects all rows
var p Person
query := pan.New(pan.MYSQL, "SELECT "+pan.Columns(p).String()+" FROM "+pan.Table(p))


// selects one row
var p Person
query := pan.New(pan.MYSQL, "SELECT "+pan.Columns(p).String()+" FROM "+pan.Table(p)).Where()
query.Comparison(p, "ID", "=", 1)
query.Flush(" ")

That Flush command is important: pan works by creating a buffer of strings, and then joining them by some separator character. Flush takes the separator character (in this case, a space) and uses it to join all the buffered strings (in this case, the WHERE statement and the person_id = ? statement), and then adds the result to its query.

It's safe to call Flush even if there are no buffered strings, so a good practice is to just call Flush after the entire query is built, just to make sure you don't leave anything buffered.

The pan.Columns() function returns the column names that a struct's properties correspond to. pan.Columns().String() joins them into a list of columns that can be passed right to the SELECT expression, making it easy to support reading only the columns you need, maintaining forward compatibilityyour code will never choke on unexpected columns being added.

Executing the query and reading results

mysql, err := query.MySQLString() // could also be PostgreSQLString or SQLiteString
if err != nil {
	// handle the error
rows, err := db.Query(mysql, query.Args...)
if err != nil {
	// handle the error
var people []Person
for rows.Next() {
	var p Person
        err := pan.Unmarshal(rows, &p) // put the results into the struct
        if err != nil {
        	// handle the error
        people = append(people, p)

How struct properties map to columns

There are a couple rules about how struct properties map to column names. First, only exported struct properties are used; unexported properties are ignored.

By default, a struct property's name is snake-cased, and that is used as the column name. For example, Name would become name, and MyInt would become my_int.

If you want more control or want to make columns explicit, the sql_column struct tag can be used to override this behaviour.

Column flags

Sometimes, you need more than the base column name; you may need the full name (table.column) or you may be using special characters/need to quote the column name ("column" for Postgres, \column\ for MySQL). To support these use cases, the Column and Columns functions take a variable number of flags (including none):

Columns() // returns column format
Columns(FlagFull) // returns table.column format
Columns(FlagDoubleQuoted) // returns "column" format
Columns(FlagTicked) // returns `column` format
Columns(FlagFull, FlagDoubleQuoted) // returns "table"."column" format
Columns(FlagFull, FlagTicked) // returns `table`.`column` format

This behaviour is not exposed through the convenience functions built on top of Column and Columns; you'll need to use Expression to rebuild them by hand. Usually, this can be done simply; look at the source code for those convenience functions for examples.