
Online and RealTime TicTacToe sample, that uses CQRS/ES, SignalR, Xamarin Forms, .Net5 and MAUI

MIT License



Fullstack implementation of an online/realtime TicTacToe game. The purpose is to test some tools and frameworks. The solution provides a WebApi (currently hosted on Azure) and a frontend with a basic implementation of the TicTacToe game.

Always refer to the readme file of the master branch, to get the most up-to-date info.


Simple Asp.NetCore API with a CQRS/ES pattern. For real time communication, it uses SignalR. The data is persisted in a SQLite database with the use of EFCore (both for EventSourcing and read datamodel).

Key technologies:

  • .Net 5
  • CQRSLite v1.33.0
  • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore v6.1.4
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Core (1.1.0)
  • EFCore v5.0.8
  • EFCore.Sqlite v5.0.8


Cross platform client.

  • Xamarin Forms 5 with support for iOS, Android and UWP

Run the code

Project developed with VS2019. Supported by VS2019+ There are 2 solutions, one for backend and the other for frontend. You can run the api locally or use the one I'm currently hosting in Azure (https://rttictactoe.azurewebsites.net/swagger).

Note: At any given time this endpoint might be deleted without prior notice.


The main api project is the RTTicTacToe.WebApi. You can run the api locally (it should work without any special configuration) or publish it to a hosting service.


Since the frontend is implemented with Xamarin Forms, you can choose one of the implemented platforms and run in a simulator or real device. The code should compile and run as-is. The only required change, is the base url for the api endpoint. To configure it, just go RTTicTacToe.Forms/App.cs and set the static string AzureBackendUrl. By default it's pointing to the Azure hosted web app.

Future tryouts


  • Try EventFlow for the CQRS/ES handling
  • Use a specialized framework to store the data from EventSourcing, (e.g. NEventStore)
  • Add logic to revert movements using CQRS features


  • MAUI implementation
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