
Loaders Built with Preact and Styled Components

OTHER License


Styled Loaders



Loaders Built with Preact and Styled Components ready for your next project because no one deserves to have to writes loadings all the time.

If you are looking for a React version you can find one here by the awesome Sai Sandeep Vaddi

Credits and inspiration also belong heavily to the awesome work at SpinKit

As I work on more projects over time more, more loaders will be added here.


npm i styled-loaders
yarn add styled-loaders
import { h } from 'preact'
import { Cube } from 'styled-loaders'

const Page = ({ loading }) =>
        { loading ?
            : 'Your Content'

With Props

import { h } from 'preact'
import { Block } from 'styled-loaders'

const Page = ({ loading }) =>
        { loading ?
            <Block color="red" size="60px" duration="5s" />
            : 'Your Content'


  • Block Block

    • Props
      • color - Background of the spinner default is #333
      • duration - Animation duration default is 1.2s
      • size - Size of the spinner default is 40px
  • Circular Circular

    • Props
      • color - Background of the spinner default is #333
      • size - Size of the spinner default is 40px
  • Cube Cube

    • Props
      • color - Background of the spinner default is #333
      • size - Size of the spinner default is 40px
      • cubeSize - Size of the each cube default is 15
      • duration - Animation duration default is 1.2s
  • CubeGrid CubeGrid

    • Props
      • color - Background of the spinner default is #333
      • size - Size of the spinner default is 40px
  • DotScale DotScale

    • Props
      • color - Background of the spinner default is #333
      • duration - Animation duration default is 1.2s
      • size - Size of the spinner default is 40px
      • dotSize - Size of the dots default is 18px
  • Pulsate Pulsate

    • Props
      • color - Background of the spinner default is #333
      • duration - Animation duration default is 1.2s
      • size - Size of the spinner default is 40px
  • RotateScale RotateScale

    • Props
      • color - Background of the spinner default is #333
      • duration - Animation duration default is 1.2s
      • size - Size of the spinner default is 40px
  • Scale Scale

    • Props
      • color - Background of the spinner default is #333
      • duration - Animation duration default is 1.2s
      • size - Size of the spinner default is 40px
  • Stretch Stretch

    • Props
      • color - Background of the spinner default is #333
      • duration - Animation duration default is 1.2s
      • size - Size of the spinner default is 40px
      • rectWidth - Width of each rectangle default is 6px


MIT (2017 - Sara Vieira)