
Wellness Wise is a comprehensive Health and Wellness Tracker designed to empower users by tracking their physical activities, diet, sleep, mood, and goals, while offering personalized insights and recommendations through advanced analytics.


Wellness Wise is a comprehensive Health and Wellness Tracker that allows users to track their physical activities, diet, sleep, mood, and goals. The project showcases user-centric application development, integrating various types of data into a cohesive and useful tool.

Table of Contents

Key Features

  • Tracking Physical Activities: Log your workouts, track durations, and monitor progress.
  • Diet Tracking: Record your daily food intake with calories and meal types.
  • Sleep Tracking: Track your sleep patterns, including hours slept, start time, and end time.
  • Mood Tracking: Record daily moods.
  • Mood Analysis and Insights: Use sentiment analysis to provide insights into users' mood patterns and suggest ways to improve mental well-being.
  • Dashboard for Mood Trends: Visualize sentiment trends over time in a chart, showing how the user's mood has changed.
  • Goals Tracking: Set and monitor your health and wellness goals.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Leverage machine learning algorithms to provide personalized recommendations for workouts, dietary changes, and sleep improvements.
  • User Authentication: Secure user authentication using JWT (JSON Web Token).

Tech Stack


Before you start, ensure you have the following software installed:

Getting Started

1. Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/chrispsang/Wellness-Wise.git
cd Wellness-Wise

2. Setup the Backend

Navigate to the backend directory:

cd health-tracker-backend

2.1 Install Dependencies

npm install

2.2 Set Up Environment Variables

Create the .env file:

touch .env

Add the following configuration to the .env file:


2.3 Set Up PostgreSQL Database

Before running the schema script, follow these steps to create a new PostgreSQL user and set up the health_wellness database:

  1. Create a New PostgreSQL User:

    • Open your terminal and connect to the PostgreSQL server using the default postgres superuser:

      psql -U postgres -d postgres
    • Create a new user:

      CREATE USER new_user WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';
    • Grant the new user the privilege to create databases:

      ALTER USER new_user CREATEDB;
    • Exit psql:

  2. Create the health_wellness Database:

    • Connect to PostgreSQL as the new user:

      psql -U new_user -d postgres
    • Create the database:

      CREATE DATABASE health_wellness;
    • Exit psql:

  3. Run the Schema Script:

    Now that the health_wellness database has been created, run the schema script:

    psql -U new_user -d health_wellness -f ./schema.sql

2.4 Run the Backend

node src/server.js

3. Access the Backend

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to access the backend.

4. Setup the Frontend

Navigate to the frontend directory:

cd health-tracker-frontend

4.1 Install Dependencies

npm install

4.2 Run the Frontend

ng serve

5. Access the Application

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:4200 to access Wellness Wise.


The application is deployed and accessible via the following links:

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