
What if we could use Supabase for B2B apps faster than ever.


⚡️ pixelmothman/nextjs-app-b2b-starter-supabase

This template provides a starting point for building B2B web applications using Next.js, Typescript, Supabase, Zod, TailwindCSS, Radix-ui, React Hot Toast, and Phosphor Icons.

Powered by

  • ◽️ Next.js: a React framework for building full-stack web applications.
  • 🪖 Typescript: javascript with syntax for types.
  • 💾 Supabase: an open source platform that allows users to build production-grade applications with a Postgres database, Authentication, instant APIs, Realtime, Functions, Storage, and Vector embeddings.
  • Zod: TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference.
  • 🧪 TailwindCSS: a utility-first CSS framework packed with classes that can be composed to build any design, directly in the markup.
  • 🏗️ Radix-ui Primitives: An open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps.
  • 🔥 React Hot Toast: smoking hot React notifications.

Getting Started

1. Environment Setup

Clone the repository and create a .env.local file in the root directory. Add the following environment variables with your specific values:


2. Supabase Setup

Create a new Supabase Project.

2.1 Create Tables

Set up the following tables:

  • user_table
  • org_table
  • org_membership_table
  • org_to_delete_table
    -- user table
    -- the created_at should come from the auth.users table
    create table user_table (
    user_id uuid references auth.users on delete cascade not null primary key,
    user_email text not null,
    user_name text,
    user_email_status text default 'pending' not null,
    updated_at timestamp with time zone,
    created_at timestamp with time zone
    alter table user_table enable row level security;

    -- org table
    create table org_table (
    org_id uuid default gen_random_uuid () not null primary key,
    org_name text not null,
    org_users int4 default 1 not null,
    org_user_exclusivity boolean not null default true,
    updated_at timestamp with time zone,
    created_at timestamp with time zone default now() not null
    alter table org_table enable row level security;

    -- org membership table
    create table org_membership_table(
    org_membership_id uuid default gen_random_uuid () not null primary key,
    org_id uuid references public.org_table (org_id) on delete cascade not null,
    user_id uuid references public.user_table (user_id) not null,
    org_membership_role text not null default 'owner',
    org_membership_status text not null default 'pending',
    invited_by uuid references public.user_table (user_id) null,
    created_at timestamp with time zone default now() not null
    alter table org_membership_table enable row level security;

    -- org to delete table
    create table org_to_delete_table (
        org_to_delete_id uuid not null default gen_random_uuid () primary key,
        org_id uuid references public.org_table (org_id) on delete cascade not null,
        triggered_by uuid references public.user_table (user_id) not null,
        created_at timestamp with time zone not null default now()
    alter table org_to_delete_table enable row level security;

2.2 Create Triggers

Create the triggers to:

  • Create a profile entry when a new user signs up via Supabase Auth.
  • Automatically update a profile entry when a user confirms for the first time their email.
  • Automatically update a profile entry when a user updates their email up via Supabase Auth.
    -- This trigger automatically creates a profile entry when a new user signs up via Supabase Auth.
    create or replace function public.handle_new_user()
    returns trigger as $$
        insert into public.user_table (user_id, user_email, created_at, user_email_status)
        values (,, new.created_at,
            WHEN new.confirmed_at IS NULL THEN 'pending'
        return new;
    $$ language plpgsql security definer;
    create or replace trigger on_auth_user_created
    after insert on auth.users
    for each row execute procedure public.handle_new_user();

    -- This trigger automatically updates a profile entry when a user confirms for the first time their email.
    create or replace function public.handle_user_confirmed_email()
    returns trigger as $$
        IF NEW.confirmed_at IS NOT NULL THEN
            UPDATE public.user_table
            SET user_email_status = 'confirmed'
            WHERE user_id =;
            UPDATE public.org_membership_table
            SET org_membership_status = 'confirmed'
            WHERE user_id =;
        END IF;
        RETURN NEW;
    $$ language plpgsql security definer;

    create or replace trigger on_auth_user_confirmed_email
    after update of confirmed_at on auth.users
    for each row execute procedure public.handle_user_confirmed_email();

    -- This trigger automatically updates a profile entry when a user updates their email up via Supabase Auth.
    create or replace function public.handle_user_new_email() 
    returns trigger as $$
        UPDATE public.user_table
        SET user_email =
        WHERE user_id =;
        RETURN NEW;
    $$ language plpgsql security definer;

    create trigger on_auth_user_email_updated
    after update of email on auth.users 
    for each row execute procedure public.handle_user_new_email();


The instructions and guidelines provided in this document reflect the author's opinions and are offered for informational purposes only. Users should exercise their judgment in applying any practices described here.