
Modern, open source starter templates for Next.js 14 full-stack and SAAS projects. Built with Tailwind CSS, ShadCn, Next-Auth v.5 and several databases. Branches contain stand-alone set ups, including for serverless databases like PostgreSQL with Neon and MySQL with PlanetScale, Drizzle ORM, Prisma ORM v.5, but also MongoDB and Supabase.

MIT License


Next 14 starters with authentication and database set up

See the live demo here


Starter templates for Next.js 14 full-stack projects. Built with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, ShadCn/ui, authentication, and database. Several branches contain several different configurations, including serverless databases like PostgreSQL with Neon, or MySQL with PlanetScale, Drizzle ORM, Prisma ORM v.5 (serverless-compatible), but also MongoDB Atlas, Supabase, and even Nest.js, Express (MERN stack), or Django. All users are stored in a database, regardless of whether they signed up with email and password, magic link, or via an OAuth provider, such a Google or GitHub.

Warning This project is still in active development. See a feature list below to get a better understanding of what has been implemented to date and what is yet to come.


  • Authentication with NextAuth
  • Database and ORM set up
  • Magic link authentication
  • OAuth authentication
  • Email and password authentication
  • Email verification
  • Password reset
  • Email templates with React Email
  • Functional contact form
  • Functional newsletter sign up
  • Functional blog with Contentlayer and MDX
  • Functional and styled landing page with pricing, features, testimonials, and FAQ sections
  • Functional and styled sign in and sign up pages
  • Input validation with Zod
  • Rigorous linting and TypeScript type checking
  • Documentation pages
  • Stripe payments integration
  • Opt out from newsletter
  • User profile and settings pages
  • Custom loading pages with skeleton loaders
  • Custom error pages
  • Add pages for menu items
  • Improve MDX blog styling
  • Improve performance and make Edge compatible
  • Add tests

Available configurations:

This branch contains a Next.js 14 starter with Next-Auth authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT), and a PostgreSQL database set up at Neon. The database is connected with Drizzle ORM, which is serverless-compatible. OAuth authentication is also set up for GitHub and Google providers. The set up contains email verification and password reset functionality, both set up with Resend and React Email.

This branch contains a Next.js 14 starter with Next-Auth authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT), and a MySQL database set up at PlanetScale. The database is connected with Drizzle ORM, which is serverless-compatible. OAuth authentication is also set up for GitHub and Google providers. The set up contains email verification and password reset functionality, both set up with Resend and React Email.

This branch contains a Next.js 14 starter with Next-Auth authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT), and a PostgreSQL database set up at Neon. The database is connected via Prisma v.5, which is serverless-compatible. OAuth authentication is also set up for GitHub and Google. The set up contains email verification and password reset functionality, both set up with Resend and React Email.

This branch contains a Next.js 14 starter with Next-Auth authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT), and a MySQL database set up at PlanetScale. The database is connected via Prisma v.5, which is serverless-compatible. OAuth authentication is also set up for GitHub and Google. The set up contains email verification and password reset functionality, both set up with Resend and React Email.

Under construction

Under construction

Under construction

Under construction

Under construction

Under construction

Under construction

Under construction

Under construction

Under construction

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