
Learning Qwik and Qwik City

MIT License


Qwik + Supabase Auth + Prisma + tRPC + Tailwind

Project TODO list

  • Qwik setup
  • Post sub pages with params
  • Qwik api routes
  • Magic link Supabase auth
  • Password Supabase auth
  • OAuth Supabase with google
  • PKCE Supabase auth flow
  • Supabase as plugin
  • Sign out
  • Auth refresh token
  • Redirect navigation after login
  • Protected routes
  • tRPC setup
  • tRPC + cookies auth guard setup
  • tRPC queries/mutation on client side
  • tRPC queries/mutation on server side
  • tRPC using Prisma
  • Protected tRPC procedures
  • Crud on Post model
  • Crud on Comments
  • Optimistic updates
  • Tailwind setup + DaisyUI


This project includes an alternative approach to using Supabase in Qwik project. The standard way of doing this is by using official supabase integrationsupabase-auth-helpers-qwik that uses @supabase/auth-helpers under the hood.

I'm not using any helper libraries and only rely on supabase-js sdk. The code for integration is located here src/lib/qwik-supabase.ts. This way I can provide better integration with qwik routeAction$ and plugin middleware features.

Available routeAction$ actions:

  • useSupabaseSignInWithOtp,
  • useSupabaseSignInWithPassword,
  • useSupabaseSignInWithOAuth,
  • useSupabaseSignOut,
  • useSupabaseSignUp,

Project Structure

Inside of you project, you'll see the following directories and files:

  • src/routes: Provides the directory based routing, which can include a hierarchy of layout.tsx layout files, and index.tsx files as the page. Additionally, index.ts files are endpoints. Please see the routing docs for more info.

  • src/components: Recommended directory for components.

  • public: Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the public directory. Please see the Vite public directory for more info.

Add Integrations

Use the npm run qwik add command to add other integrations. Some examples of integrations include as a Cloudflare, Netlify or Vercel server, and the Static Site Generator (SSG).

npm run qwik add


Development mode uses Vite's development server. For Qwik during development, the dev command will also server-side render (SSR) the output. The client-side development modules loaded by the browser.

npm run dev

Note: during dev mode, Vite will request many JS files, which does not represent a Qwik production build.


The preview command will create a production build of the client modules, production build of src/entry.preview.tsx, and create a local server. The preview server is only for convenience to locally preview a production build, but it should not be used as a production server.

npm run preview


The production build should generate the client and server modules by running both client and server build commands. Additionally, the build command will use Typescript run a type check on the source.

npm run build
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