

A comprehensive, yet simple cryptocurrency and AI/ML analysis engine built with Sveltekit, Pocketbase, CoinGecko API, OpenAI, Vercel AI SDK, TailwindCSS, and DaisyUI.

NOTE: This project is built using the spatz template.

Demo App


  • Sveltekit: Futuristic web framework for building blazing fast web apps.
  • Pocketbase: Self-contained User Auth, Database, Admin UI, and API documentation.
  • OpenAI: chatGPT 3.5-turbo & 4.0-turbo for contextually aware chatbots.
  • CoinGecko: Cryptocurrency data API for market data, coin information, and more.
  • Vercel AI SDK: AI/ML models for image, text, and audio processing.
  • TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
  • Zod: TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation.

Getting Started

Pocketbase Setup

  1. Create a directory for your Pocketbase instance and navigate to it.
mkdir cryptai
cd cryptai
  1. Download the latest release of Pocketbase, unzip it, and start the server.
./pocketbase serve --http=""
  1. Log in to the Pocketbase admin console at http://localhost:8090/_/ and create a new database.

  2. Go to settings > Import collections, then paste in the contens of ./pocketbase/pb_schema.json (from this repo) and click import.

Client Setup

  1. Clone the repo and navigate to the project directory.
git clone
cd cryptai
  1. Set your Pocketbase URL and OpenAI API key in a .env.local file.
touch 'PUBLIC_POCKETBASE_URL=http://localhost:8090' > .env.local
touch 'OPENAI_API_KEY=<YOUR API KEY>' >> .env.local
  1. Install the dependencies and start the development server.
pnpm i && pnpm run dev --host
  1. Open your browser to http://localhost:5173 to see the app.