
A free, open source, AI powered alternative to Quizlet.



An open source quizlet alternative

very, very early development

current capabilities:

  • Equivalent to Quizlet "learn" mode.
  • Enter any topic and have gpt-3.5-turbo generate a study set on the topic
  • Saves study sets

Coming soon:

  • Create study sets from:
    • wikipedia pages
    • raw text
  • Ask follow-up questions to a chatbot
  • Choice between other AI models, including open source options
  • Other study modes
  • Tracking learning progress
  • A better name (haha)


git clone https://github.com/dadukhankevin/learnGPT

Now install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Navigate to the learngpt directory containing Svelte

(ensure you have node.js installed)

run: npm install and then npm run dev

then run server.py in the main directory titled "learnGPT"

Now the frontend svelte should work!


All of this is highly breakable, and in the very early stages of development.

For now, there is an API key provided