
A list of social buttons with Svelte

GPL-3.0 License




Svelte being one of the modern frameworks that I have hooked the most, and seeing no ongoing projects for social buttons, needing them personally, I set out to create what I needed, and at the same time share this work with other developers. Many projects have inspired me, in particular Svelma, a library of components with the "Bulma" css framework.

All my sources are available in the components in question.

I hate librairies with a lot of dependencies, so I did a librairy with just oaun (to make the oauth system) as dependency.

Quick Start


npm install -D svecial


yarn install -D svecial

Import components like:

import { GoogleButton } from 'svecial'

A lot of buttons depend of Bulma's framework and Font Awesome. Think to add them if you want to enjoy more this librairy!


Each component/button has:

  • appId: It's here where you must to put the id of the app that you created. If the component doesn't appear, it's probably because this props is missing.
  • onLoginSuccess: It's a callback if the user has been logged with success. It will return you the response of the api as parameter (depending of which button you use, Svecial can't predict informations about it).
  • onLoginFailure: It's a callback if the user has been logged with failure. It will return you the response of the api as parameter (generally the error).

Depending of which button, props are different. If we can customize easily the button, you should use color as props, else it should be theme...

More informations about the api here:


Svecial supports SSR. If you get any error when compiling, please compare your rollup.config.js file with Svecial doc's config.

Special thanks to @matyunya for taking his time to help Svecial create the SSR part


Svecial plan

Here is a plan of what Svecial should contain:

  • GoogleButton
  • FacebookButton
  • TwitterButton
  • DiscordButton
  • GithubButton
  • GitlabButton
  • BitbucketButton
  • ShareButton

What Svecial is supposed to be:

  • A 0 dependencies package
  • A easy and fast component to use (plug & play component)

What Svecial is not supposed to be:

  • A librairy with backend: Svecial will return needed informations in the callback of onLoginSuccess or onLoginError but that's all. You're not supposed to make your backend directly on the component, but include the composent to your backend.


  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Install dependencies: npm i or yarn
  3. Start the automated build and automated docs: npm run dev or yarn dev
  4. Open url that console prints in your browser
  5. Edit and see components in the tests/stories dir. Please think to create tests in the tests/specs dir.

The build is not automatically. When you create a new component, do npm run build or yarn build. When you think you can deploy your code, just to npm run deploy or yarn deploy.


Code released under GNU license.

Copyright ©, Olyno.