
Adds clap button (like medium) to any page for your SvelteKit apps with Upstash Redis



Adds clap button (like medium) to any page for your SvelteKit apps.

This package originally was created for Next.js by @upstash

Nothing to maintain, it is completely serverless 💯

Check out the demo


1 Create Database

Create a free Redis database at Upstash Console

We will use Upstash Redis to keep the data as well as messaging (Redis pub/sub).

2. Environment Variables

Copy the .env.local.example file to .env.local (which will be ignored by Git):

cp .env.local.example .env.local

VITE_UPSTASH_URL and VITE_UPSTASH_TOKEN can be found at the database details page in Upstash Console.

3. Install Package

npm install --save svelte-claps
# or
yarn add svelte-claps

4. Setup API

Create a new API endpoint for SvelteKit app. Import the package and expose the GET and PATCH methods.

// src/routes/api/claps.js

import createClapsApi from 'svelte-claps';

export const { GET, PATCH } = createClapsApi({ maxClaps: 10 });

5. Use <Claps /> Component

<script lang="ts">
	import { Claps } from 'svelte-claps';

<div class="container">
	<Claps replyUrl="" />

The options can be passed as React props

key type default
key? string current page path
fixed? "left", "center", "right"
replyUrl? string
apiPath? string /api/claps

pathname of the page is being used as the key/identity to keep the claps count. You can override this giving the key attribute.