
Dynamic forms for Svelte

MIT License


Svelte Mega Forms

Generative forms for Svelte.

Installation & Usage

npm i svelte-mega-forms
  import Form from 'svelte-mega-forms';

  // Form structure
  const form = [ /* ... */ ];

  // Attributes for the generated form
  const attributes = {
    method: 'POST',
    action: '/contact',

  // Default values for the form
  const values = {
    'name': 'Cow McMoo',
    'message[0]': 'This is a test note',

  // Function to call when the form is submitted after all fields have been validated. Can be async
  const submit = (values, form) => {};

<Form {form} {attributes} {values} {submit} />

Creating a Form

Fields in a form are defined by an object with the following values:

  • label - Form label. Either this, attributes['aria-label'], or attributes['aria-labelledby'], is required for each field.
  • name - The unique name to identify the field. This is required.
  • type - The type of field to display. This is required to display a field, but will be ignored if fields is present.
  • value - The optional default value for the field
  • required - Whether the field is required, either true or false
  • attributes - Key/value pair of attributes to add directly to an input, good for adding things like placeholder, min, and max
  • fields - If you want to add a group to your form, fields will take an array of field objects (including other groups!) and render them out.
  • validate - A function with the signature of (value, field, values) that should return true if the field is valid, or a string or false if invalid. Can be async.
  • repeatable - Either true or false, and can be used for either a group or an individual field. Makes either the field or group repeatable, appending an index to the field's (or contained fields') name (i.e. name[0]). Repeating items can't be nested.
  • if - A function with the signature of (values) that returns either true or false. Will determine if the field or group should be displayed.
  • options - Either an array of strings, or an array of {label: '', value: ''} objects for fields that have multiple options, for instance selects or radio groups.
  • _label - Alternate label component to use. See form register
  • _group - Alternate group component to use. See form register

Form Register

You can register additional components to be used in the form, as well as default validation messages. To do so, import the FormRegister from the default component:

  import Form, {FormRegister} from 'svelte-mega-forms';
  import CustomLabel from './lib/CustomLabel.svelte';
  import CustomInput from './lib/CustomInput.svelte';

  FormRegister.set.label('custom-label', FunLabel);
  FormRegister.set.input('custom-input', CustomInput);

  FormRegister.messages.invalid = 'Oops! Try again!';

  const form = [
      label: 'Hello',
      _label: 'custom-label',
      type: 'custom-input',
      name: 'all-custom-field'

<Form {form} />

To register a label, field, or group, use FormRegister.set[label/field/group] and pass in a name to identify the custom item and then the Svelte component to use. You can override the default component by using 'default' for the component's name.

For messages, you can set them directly; the two that are available are FormRegister.messages.required and FormRegister.messages.invalid.

Maskable input

Svelte Mega Form comes with an optional custom form, Masked Input, that uses imask to provide a masked input field. It also exposes an additional field property, mask, for setting the field mask. To use it, you can import it and register like other custom fields:

  import Form, {FormRegister} from 'svelte-mega-forms';
  import MaskedInput from 'svelte-mega-forms/fields/MaskedInput.svelte';

  FormRegister.set.input('masked', MaskedInput);

  const form = [
      label: 'Masked Input',
      type: 'masked',
      name: 'duration',
      mask: {
        mask: '00:00:00',
        lazy: false,

Custom labels, fields, and groups

When creating a custom field, label, or group, take a look at the existing ones for inspiration. A few key things to keep in mind are:

  • Label - Should export field and name properties, which will map to the field definition and the name the field should use.
  • Group - Should export field and index properties, which will map to the field definition and the current index, if it's being repeated. They should also import svelte-mega-forms/Group.svelte and svelte-mega-forms/Input.svelte and use those meta-components to render contained groups and inputs. lib/fields/Fieldset.svelte is the default group.
  • Inputs - Should export field and name properties, which will map to the field definition and the name the field should use. They should also import svelte-mega-forms/Label.svelte and svelte-mega-forms/Message.svelte to render the input's label, and message to optionally render validation error messages. The input's value should also be bound to the form context's values store based on the input's name. Check out the default input implementation in lib/fields/Input.svelte or the implementation in lib/fields/MaskedInput.svelte. Inputs should also be disabled when the form context's disabled store is true.

Form context

Custom labels, fields, and groups also have access to the form context with the following properties:

  • fields - Definition for each individual field in the form
  • values - A Svelte store of all values of all inputs in the form. You can set the value of a field using values.setField(name, value), remove a field using values.removeField(name), and set multiple fields using values.batchSetFields(values) (with an object of field names/values).
  • disabled - A boolean Svelte store denoting whether fields should be disabled
  • submitting - A boolean Svelte store denoting whether the form is being submitted
  • validation - A Svelte store for checking validation. You can use validation.check(name, value) to check the value of an individual field, or validation.checkAll(values) (with an object of field names/values) to check all the values for all passed in fields. Validations are async.
  • elements - Registered components