
Unopinionated pagination component for Svelte that allows customizing data sources & styles.

MIT License



An unopinionated paginator component for Svelte.


 import Paginator from 'svelte-paginator'

 // Create test data
 let letters = '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.split('')

 // Function to that loads the test data
 const loadLetters = (page, perPage) => {
   const start = perPage * (page-1)
   const end = start + perPage
   return {
     items: letters.slice(start, end), // The items to display for `page`
     numItems: letters.length // The total number of items available across all pages

<Paginator loadItems={loadLetters} let:items let:loading>
  <!-- Write code here for whatever you want to do with items, e.g. a list, a table, etc. -->

    {#if loading}
      {#each items as letter}



There are two required elements for using svelte-paginator.

async loadItems(page, perPage)

loadItems should calculate an object of the form

  item: ['...'], // an array of items to display on this page
  numItems: 99 // the total number of items available

If you're loading these from a server, loadItems can also be an async function or return a promise that resolves to the object.


svelte-paginator doesn't define anything to do with the items that you're paginating. That's up to you.

To make use of this, add let:items to your paginator instance. items will be an array of items to display on the current page (it's returned from loadItems() above).


Parameter Definition Example
perPage How many items to display per page; defaults to 40 <Paginator loadItems perPage={4}>
numPageLinks How many links to display (does not include left & right buttons). Minimum 5. Defaults to 9. <Paginator loadItems numPageLinks={7}>
currentPage The current / initial page to load. Defaults to 1. <Paginator loadItems bind:currentPage>
bind:reset Exposed function that lets you reset the paginator. <Paginator loadItems bind:reset>
let:loading Within the component slot, the value is true if actively loading <Paginator loadItems let:loading>{#if loading}...{/if}</Paginator>

Example with all options

You can see this in action at

 import Paginator from 'svelte-paginator'

 let letters = '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.split('')
 const loadLetters = async (page=1, perPage=10) => {
   await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1500)) // Simulate a delay, e.g. loading from a server
   const start = perPage * (page-1)
   const end = start + perPage
   return {
     items: letters.slice(start, end),
     numItems: letters.length

 let reset = null
 const switchToGreek = () => {
   letters = 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ'

<button on:click={switchToGreek}>Switch to Greek</button>

<Paginator loadItems={loadLetters} perPage={4} numPageLinks={12} currentPage={2} let:items let:loading bind:reset>
    {#if loading}
      {#each items as letter}


If the default styles of svelte-paginator are not to your taste, you can override the classes that are used. If you do this, none of the default styles will survive.

Available classes are:

  • class_button
  • class_current_page
  • class_button_group

For example, if you'd like to use Bootstrap classes, you might do something like this:

<Paginator loadItems let:items
  class_button="btn btn-outline-secondary"
  class_current_page="btn btn-secondary"

Developing svelte-paginator

There is an accompanying test project at svelte-paginator-test. That project will both test installing this npm module & allow you to set up a dev server that automatically reloads as you update your code.

git clone [email protected]:mpdaugherty/svelte-paginator.git
git clone [email protected]:mpdaugherty/svelte-paginator-test.git

cd svelte-paginator
npm install

cd ../svelte-paginator-test
npm install
npm run dev

Then visit http://localhost:5000

Project structure


This is the file that defines the Paginator component. As with all Svelte components, this file is divided into three sections, <script>, <style>, and the element definition itself.


This is an example page that imports & uses Paginator. You can modify this to quickly test your work.

Issues & Dev Process

Issues are tracked with Github Issues. When completing issues, please develop on a branch and create a pull request linked to the issue you are working on.

For issue discussions, generally use comments on the Github issues so we have documentation of the decisions we've made - but SMS or email is fine as well if you need a response quickly.

Publishing to npm

npm publish
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