
SvelteKit PWA utilizing whisper to quickly transcribe WhatsApp voice messages



SvelteKit app utilizing whisper to transcribe WhatsApp voice messages. Upload voice message files or install the PWA to your to directly share into the App (on Android phones and Windows PCs). Or even quicker set-up a WhatsApp Web session with the app and directly share voice messages from your phone to the app.


You need

  • Instance of whisper-asr-webservice running and accessible for this app
  • For whatsapp functionality:
    • chromium installed for whatsapp to work
    • a seperate whatsapp account for the app to use (so your normal account never gets banned and the app can parse and reply to every message received)

Building & running

To create a full version of the app:

npm install
cp .env.example .env
npm run build

You can then run the production build with npm run hybrid-server.

Note on PWAs

PWAs require a secure HTTPS connection to be installable. You can use tunneling sofware (like ngrok), reverse proxying like caddy or other tools to achieve this.

The usual solution of deploying this app to Vercel/a CDN or similiar will probably not work since you need a somehow capable machine to execute the whisper machine learning. (If you find a cool cloud native way, feel free to create an issue explaining it)


This app can be ran as docker container. For best use you need to mount the following directories to a persistent volume:

/app/.wwebjs_auth - whatsapp web authentication storage persistence /app/.wwebjs_cache - whatsapp web cache \

and you need to set the following required environment variable for docker:

WHISPER_ASR_BASE_URL to some value like or wherever you are running your instance of whisper-asr-webservice on.

Further optional environment variables for the image are:

ADMIN_USER - to a secure username used to register the whatsapp web session ADMIN_PASSWORD - to a secure password used to register the whatsapp web session BODY_SIZE_LIMIT - to change the max file size accepted by the app in bytes PORT - if you want to change the port the app is running on inside the container