
Little Demonstrator for webrtc


WebRTC Introduction

1. just play by youself

yarn dev


follow the numbers

  1. start stream(s)
  2. 👈 create offer
  3. 👈 setLocalDescription, sendOffer
  4. 👉 setRemoteDescription, createAnswer
  5. 👉 setLocalDescription, sendAnswer

2. play over remote

yarn dev
yarn signaling

open 👈 https://localhost:8080/?manual=false&remote=true&role=send&stream=both

open 👉 https://localhost:8080/?manual=false&remote=true&role=recv&stream=both

?remote=true = use signaling server ?role=send = show only 👈 ?role=recv = show only 👉


You can configure evreything via queryString as described aboth or open the Config panel at the top, but all it does is set the queryStrings.

feature possible values description
remote true , false use signaling server over webSocket
role send , recv , both show 👈, 👉 or 👈 👉
manual true , false allow modifying the SDPs
semantic plan-b , unified-plan configure peerconnection