
macOS daemon to send HD Audio commands (HDA Verbs) to an IOHDACodecDevice from user-space.



(c) 2020 black.dragon74 aka Nick

macOS daemon to send HD Audio commands (HDA Verbs) to an IOHDACodecDevice from user-sapce.


  • Codeless configuration using a custom PLIST file
  • Supports sending verbs on system boot/sleep/wake, headset plug/unplug and audio mute/unmute optionally
  • Doesn't require CodecCommander, hda-verb or alc-verb to function

Note: Requires AppleALC version 1.5.4+ or the patch of commit 61e2bbf applied.


Download the appropriate version from the Releases and extract the zip file.

Open the extracted folder and you will find a sample.plist file in there for reference. You need to edit it according to your codec. One you are done, copy the file somewhere safe (it should not be deleted as ALCPlugFix-Swift reads the config from it on boot). Also, this is the file you need to drag to the terminal window when asks you to do the same.

Now open the and follow the instructions.

# CD to the downloded directory
cd your_directory_here

# Run the

Note: AppleALC version 1.5.5+ require the boot-arg alcverbs=1 or the property alc-verbs to be present on HDEF in order for ALCPlugFix-Swift to work.


From GitHub:

Install Xcode, clone the GitHub repo and enter the top-level directory. Then:

xcodebuild -configuration Release


  • goodwin for original work on Obj-C based ALCPlugFix
  • zen-zhen for direct kernelspace connection
  • black-dragon74 for writing and maintaing this software