
Swift concurrency collection support

APACHE-2.0 License



Functions for running async processes on Swift Collections


Run an async function on every element of a Sequence.

await array.asyncForEach {
    await asyncProcess($0)

The async closures are run serially ie the closure run on the current element of a sequence has to finish before we run the closure on the next element.

To run the closures concurrently use

try await array.concurrentForEach {
    try await asyncProcess($0)

You can manage the number of tasks running at any one time with the maxConcurrentTasks parameter

try await array.concurrentForEach(maxConcurrentTasks: 4) {
    try await asyncProcess($0)


Return an array transformed by an async function.

let result = await array.asyncMap {
    return await asyncTransform($0)

Similar to asyncForEach there are versions of asyncMap that runs the transforms concurrently.

let result = await array.concurrentMap(maxConcurrentTasks: 8) {
    return await asyncTransform($0)

Compact Map

Return a non-optional array transformed by an async function returning optional results.

let result: [MyType] = await array.asyncCompactMap { value -> MyType? in
    return await asyncTransform(value)

Similar to asyncForEach there are versions of asyncCompactMap that runs the transforms concurrently.

let result: [MyType] = await array.concurrentCompactMap(maxConcurrentTasks: 8) { value -> MyType? in
    return await asyncTransform(value)


Return a concatenated array transformed by an async function that returns a sequence.

let result: [MySequence.Element] = await array.asyncMap { value -> MySequence in
    return await asyncTransform($0)

Similar to asyncForEach there are versions of asyncFlatMap that runs the transforms concurrently.

let result: [MySequence.Element] = await array.concurrentMap(maxConcurrentTasks: 8) { value -> MySequence in
    return await asyncTransform($0)


Return a filtered array transformed by an async function.

let result = await array.asyncFilter {
    return await asyncTransform($0)

Similar to asyncForEach there are versions of asyncFilter that runs the transforms concurrently.

let result = await array.concurrentFilter(maxConcurrentTasks: 8) {
    return await asyncTransform($0)