
Swift language extensions and Cocoa utilities for macOS/iOS

MIT License


All the little things you've been missing in Swift

How to include it in your project

The easy way

Just drag'n'drop all of the sources in the DeliciousSwift/DeliciousSwift folder to your Project tree, withing Xcode. It should work flawlessly

As a framework

  1. Download/Clone the project
  2. Build it
  3. Under Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries, add the resulting DeliciousSwift.framework
  4. Under Build Phases, create another "Copy Files Phase" and add the framework there too, to be copied under the Frameworks folder
  5. Under Build Settings, go to Framework Search Paths and add the location of the DeliciousSwift.framework you just compiled
  6. import DeliciousSwift in any over your Swift files and you're ready to go

Via Dependency Manager

Carthage (macOS 10.9+)

You can use Carthage to install DeliciousSwift by adding it to your Cartfile:

github "drkameleon/delicious"

Pending... :)


Method Description Definition
linearSearch Linear search algorithm (_ search: T, in items: [T]) -> Int?
binarySearch Binary search algorithm (_ search: T, in items: [T], from: Int, to: Int) -> Int?
binarySearch Binary search algorithm (_ search: T, in items: [T]) -> Int?
bubbleSort Bubble sort algorithm (_ items: [T]) -> [T]
insertionSort Insertion sort algorithm (_ items:[T]) -> [T]
quickSort QuickSort sort algorithm (_ items:[T]) -> [T]


Method Description Definition
removeDuplicates Removes duplicates from array () -> [Element]
removeByValue Removes element from array by value (_ v: Element) -> [Element]
shuffle Shuffles array () -> [Element]
randomElement Returns random element from array () -> Element
findValue Searches for value in array and returns array of indexes (_ v: Element) -> [Int]
toJson Convers array to Json string (pretty: Bool = false, encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) -> String?
average Calculates the average of an array of numbers () -> Double
median Calculates the median of an array of numbers () -> Double
product Calculates the product of an array of numbers () -> Int
sum Calculates the sum of an array of numbers () -> Int


Method Description Definition
negate Negates/Toggles boolean value () -> Bool


Method Description Definition
init Creates an NSColor instance from a hex value (hex: Int)


Method Description Definition
isPast Check if date is in the past () -> Bool
isFuture Checks if date is in the future () -> Bool
isToday Checks if date is today () -> Bool
day Returns day from date () -> Int
month Returns month from date () -> Int
monthName Returns month from date () -> String
year Returns year from date () -> Int
secondsUntil Returns difference with given date in seconds (date: Date) -> Int
daysUntil Returns difference with given date in days (date: Date) -> Int


Method Description Definition
alertDialog Displays alert dialog/sheet (_ message: String, info: String, handler: @escaping ()->Void, style: NSAlert.Style = .informational, sheet: Bool = true)
confirmationDialog Displays confirmation dialog/sheet (_ message: String, info: String, handler: @escaping (Bool)->Void, first: String = "OK", second: String = "Cancel", style: NSAlert.Style = .informational, sheet: Bool = true)
openDialog Displays Open dialog/sheet (handler: @escaping ([String])->Void, otherwise: @escaping ()->Void = }, files: Bool = true, filetypes: [String] = [], directories: Bool = false, multiple: Bool = true, hidden: Bool = true, sheet: Bool = true)
saveDialog Displays Save dialog/sheet (handler: @escaping (String)->Void, otherwise: @escaping ()->Void = }, filetypes: [String] = [], sheet: Bool = true)


Method Description Definition
mergeWith Merges given dictionary into dictionary and returns result (_ dictionary: Dictionary) -> Dictionary
toTupleArray Convers dictionary to array of tuples () -> [(Any,Any)]
toJson Convers dictionary to Json string (pretty: Bool = false, encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) -> String?


Method Description Definition
fileExists Checks if file in path exists () -> Bool
isFolder Check if path is folder () -> Bool
copyFileTo Copies file at path to given path (_ path: String) -> Void
moveFileTo Moves file at path to given path (_ path: String) -> Void
renameFileAs Renames file at path as new path (_ path: String) -> Void
deleteFile Deletes file at path () -> Void
createAsFolder Creates folder from path () -> Void
pathExtension Extracts extension from path () -> String
pathFilename Extracts filename from path () -> String
pathFolder Extracts folder from path () -> String
pathContents Gets folder contents from path () -> [String]?


Method Description Definition
formatDecimal Formats number with given number of decimal places (_ decimalPlaces: Int) -> String


Method Description Definition
makeHTTPRequest Makes an HTTP request (_ address: String, method: String = "GET", body: String = "",


Method Description Definition
random Generates random number () -> Int
padWithZeros Adds left padding with zeros to number (_ zerosCount: Int) -> String
factorial Calculates the nth factorial () -> Int
power Calculates the xth power of the given number (_ x: Int) -> Decimal
square Calculates the square of the given number () -> Decimal


Method Description Definition
printLog Prints message to log (_ obj: Any? = nil, error: Bool = false, _ file : String = #file, _ line : Int = #line, _ function : String = #function)


Method Description Definition
plistToDictionary Creates dictionary from Property List (XML) string (encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) -> [String : Any]?


Method Description Definition
subscript Gets/sets string characters at given index (index: Int) -> String
subscript Gets/sets substring at given range (range: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> String
subscript Gets/sets substring at given range (range: CountableRange<Int>) -> String
- Removes all occurences of given string within string (left: String, right: String) > String
* Repeats string a given number of times (left: String, right: Int) -> String
/ Splits string by given separator (left: String, right: String) -> [String]
unique Generate unique identifier string () -> String
writeToFile Writes string to given path (_ path: String, encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) -> Void
beginsWith Checks if string begins with given string (_ s: String) -> Bool
endsWith Checks if string ends with given string (_ s: String) -> Bool
replace Replaces substring in string with given string (_ what: String, with: String) -> String
replaceRegex Replaces regular expression in string with given string (_ what: String, with: String) -> String
containsRegex Checks if string contains regular expression (_ r: String) -> Bool
trim Trims characters in string (_ chars: String) -> String
trimWhitespace Trims all whitespace in string () -> String
split Splits string using given separator string (_ separator: String) -> [String]
splitLines Splits lines in string () -> [String]
splitWords Splits words in string () -> [String]
padLeft Adds space padding to left of string until fixed size is reached (_ size: Int) -> String
padRight Adds space padding to right of string until fixed size is reached (_ size: Int) -> String


Method Description Definition
executeTerminal Executes terminal command (a)synchronously (_ command: String, args: [String] = [], handler: @escaping (String, String)->Void, async: Bool = true)

Copyright & License (and other boring legal stuff)

Copyright (c) 2017 Ioannis Zafeiropoulos (aka Dr.Kameleon). All rights reserved.

See the file "LICENSE" for information on the history of this software, terms & conditions for usage, and a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

All trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective holders.