
Let pull-to-refresh Easy for any UIScrollView in Swift

MIT License



Let pull-to-refresh Easy for any UIScrollView in Swift

You have the flexibility to set custom view with fantastic animation.(可以灵活的设置自定义效果,实现期望的动画)


(see sample Xcode project in /Demo)

Adding Drop Pull to Refresh (添加下拉刷新)

Only support Manual Mode(仅支持手动模式)

 tableView.easy.addDropPull(with: {
     // prepend data to dataSource, insert cells at top of table view
     // call tableView.easy.stopDropPull() when done

Note: You can trigger drop-excuting directly using this method. (用下面这个方法,你可以直接触发下拉刷新操作)

 func triggerDropExcuting()

Adding Up Pull to Refresh and Load more (添加上拉加载)

Manual Mode(手动模式)

 tableView.easy.addUpPullManual(with: {
     // prepend data to dataSource, insert cells at bottom of table view
     // call tableView.easy.stopUpPull() when done

Automatic Mode(自动模式)

 tableView.easy.addUpPullAutomatic(with: {
     // prepend data to dataSource, insert cells at bottom of table view
     // call tableView.easy.stopUpPull() when done

Note: You can enable/unable Up-Pull using this method. Suitable for scenes without more data (用下面这个方法,你可以启用/禁止上拉加载,适用于没有更多数据的场景)

 func enableUpPull()
 func unableUpPull()

Customization (自定义)

The pull-to-refresh view can be customized using the following methods:

 func addDropPull(with action: (() ->Void), customDropView: EasyViewManual? = nil)
 func addUpPullManual(with action: (() ->Void), customUpView: EasyViewManual? = nil)
 func addUpPullAutomatic(with action: (() ->Void), customUpView: EasyViewAutomatic? = nil)

NOTE: Your custom views must implement the EasyViewManual protocol when you prefer the Manual mode

Or implement the EasyViewAutomatic protocol when you prefer the Automatic mode.


(see sample Xcode project in /Demo/MyCusyomView.swift or /Demo/EasyPull/DefaultView.swift)

Note (注意)

释放所有的Action,避免循环引用cycle retain。

 func releaseAll()



  • iOS 8.0+
  • Swift 3.0 (EasyPull 3.x), Swift 2.x (EasyPull 1.x)

The main development of EasyPull is based on Swift 3.



source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'EasyPull', '~> 3.0.0'

Source files

Alternatively you can directly add the /EasyPull/EasyPull source files to your project.


This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.

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Top 17.48% on Cocoapods.org
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