
Easily Used Tab Scroll ViewController build with Swift 3

MIT License


ELTabScrollChontroller: 简单易用的 Tab Scroll Controller, 使用 Swift 3 开发

**⚠️ ELTabScrollChontroller 适用于 Swift 3.X 和 iOS 9.X


简单易用的 Tab Scroll Controller, 使用 Swift 3 开发



使用 CocoaPods

  • podfile 中添加下面一行代码 :
    pod 'ELTabScrollChontroller'
  • Swift 3.* 对应 3.0.0 版本的 pod
  • Swift 4.* 对应 4.* 版本的 pod
  • 使用 Terminal 运行 pod install
  • 完成!


  • 用浏览器打开 Elenionl/ELTabScrollChontroller
  • 下载或克隆项目: https://github.com/Elenionl/ELTabScrollController.git
  • 复制项目中的 ELTabScrollChontroller.swiftUIKit+EL.swift文件到您的项目中
  • 完成!


如果您想在您的 App 中使用 ELTabScrollController, 只需要简单的两步:

  • 创建
class TabScrollController: ELTabScrollController {
    // MARK: - LifeCircle
    init() {


class TabScrollController: ELTabScrollController {
    // MARK: - LifeCircle
    init() {
        super.init(width: 200, type: .equal_scrollable)
  • 添加要显示的内容
override func viewDidLoad() {
  let ctrl1 = ViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
  let ctrl2 = ViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
  let ctrl3 = ViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
  let ctrl4 = ViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
  let item1 = ELTabScrollItem(title: "Tab 1", image: nil, viewController: ctrl1, view: nil)
  let item2 = ELTabScrollItem(title: "Tab 2", image: nil, viewController: ctrl2, view: nil)
  let item3 = ELTabScrollItem(title: "Tab 3", image: nil, viewController: ctrl3, view: nil)
  let item4 = ELTabScrollItem(title: "Tab 4", image: nil, viewController: ctrl4, view: nil)
  items = [item1, item2, item3, item4]

ELTabScrollController 的类型

ELTabScrollController 共有四种类型

  • equal_unscrollable
  • equal_scrollable
  • unequal_unscrollable
  • unequal_scrollable

equal 所有按钮宽度相等

unequal 按钮宽度由其本身的 contentSize 决定

unscrollable tab 不可滚动且宽度等于 ELTabScrollController.width

scrollable tab 可以滚动, 宽度可能大于 ELTabScrollController.width

如果你想要只显示 ChildViewController 的某一个 view, 只需要如下操作

    let ctrl1 = ViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
    let item1 = ELTabScrollItem(title: "Tab 1", image: nil, viewController: ctrl1, view: ctrl1.tableView)


  • 设置回调
self.switchHandler = { (index, type) in
    print(index, type)
  • 打印内容如下
2 buttonTap
2 buttonTap
3 buttonTap
1 buttonTap
1 buttonTap
0 scroll
0 scroll
1 scroll


⚠️ 对于 button 订制优先级低于对 tabScrollController 的设置, 例如 ELTabScrollController.buttonSelectedBackgroudColor 属性会覆盖掉 ELTabScrollItem.button 的设置.

  • 设置按钮的标题和图片
let item4 = ELTabScrollItem(title: "Tab 4", image: UIImage(named: "image"), viewController: ctrl4, view: nil)
  • 完全自定义按钮
public init(button: UIButton, viewController: UIViewController, view: UIView?)

ELTabScrollController 也可以自定义

override func viewDidLoad() {
  self.title = "Demo"
  tab.backgroundColor = UIColor.orange
  sliderView.backgroundColor = .white
  container.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray
  tabButtonHeight = 66
  sliderViewHeight = 10
  buttonFont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 18)
  buttonSelectedTitleColor = UIColor.white
  buttonNormalTitleColor = UIColor.lightGray
  switchHandler = { (index, type) in
    print(index, type)


// MARK: - Settings

/// Items containing buttons and viewControllers

open var tabBarType: ELTabBarType = ELTabBarType.equal_unscrollable

/// Distance between buttons. Default value: 30.0 for scrollable, 0 for unscrollable.
open var tabSpacing: CGFloat

/// The zoom factor for buttons, only available in scrollable tabs. Default value: 1.05
open var buttonHorizontalZoomFactor: CGFloat = 1.05

/// Items containing buttons and viewControllers
open var items: [ELTabScrollItem]! = []

/// The width of the base view. Default value is screen width
open var width: CGFloat! = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width

/// Triggered by switch behavior
open var switchHandler: ELSwitchHandler?

/// Height of button
open var tabButtonHeight: CGFloat = 44

/// Hight of slider
open var sliderViewHeight: CGFloat = 5

/// Font of button
open var buttonFont: UIFont?

open var buttonSelectedBackgroudColor: UIColor?

open var buttonNormalBackgroudColor: UIColor?

open var buttonSelectedTitleColor: UIColor?

open var buttonNormalTitleColor: UIColor?


  • Xcode 8.X
  • Swift 3.X
  • Using ARC
  • iOS 9.0


  • ✅ More Tab Style
  • ❎ More Slider Style


Hanping Xu (Elenionl), [email protected]


ELTabScrollController is available under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file for more information.

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