
FastAdapter iOS implementation

APACHE-2.0 License




  • expandable items
  • layoutkit support
  • footer, header items
  • multi sections
  • background measuring
  • modularity
  • event hooks
  • drag and drop
  • collection and table view support


  • auto collapsing for expandable
  • single expanded
  • multi adapter support
  • click listener
  • selectable, selection, multiselection
  • filter
  • split layoutkit items to different module
  • add extension modules (endless scroll, waterfall layout)


  • expandable with more then one depth
  • items without using layoutkit
class DeviceItem: ModelLayoutItem<Device> {
    override func getLayout() -> Layout? {
        return DeviceLayout(device: model)

class SampleItem: Item {
    private var size: CGSize?
    private let name: String
    private let font: UIFont
    init(name: String, font: UIFont) { = name
        self.font = font

    override func onBind(cell: inout UICollectionViewCell) {
        if let myCell = cell as? MyCollectionViewCell {
            myCell.nameLabel.text = name
            myCell.nameLabel.font = font
    override func getCell() -> AnyClass {
        return MyCollectionViewCell.self
    override func onMeasure(width: CGFloat?, height: CGFloat?) -> Bool {
        guard let width = width, let height = heightWithConstrainedWidth(width, font: font) else {
            return false
        size = CGSize(width: width, height: height)
        return true
    override func getSize() -> CGSize {
        return size ?? .zero
    func heightWithConstrainedWidth(_ width: CGFloat, font: UIFont) -> CGFloat? {
        let constraintRect = CGSize(width: width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
        let boundingBox = name.boundingRect(with: constraintRect, options: NSStringDrawingOptions.usesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: font], context: nil)
        return ceil(boundingBox.height)
let fastAdapter = FastAdapter<DeviceItem>()
let modelAdapter = ModelAdapter<Device, DeviceItem>(interceptor: {
    model in
    return DeviceItem(model: device)
let itemAdapter = ItemAdapter<SampleItem>()
itemAdapter.add(SampleItem(name: name, font: font))
let itemAdapter = ItemAdapter<Item>()
itemAdapter.add(DeviceItem(model: device))
itemAdapter.add(SampleItem(name: name, font: font))
fastAdapter.adapter = modelAdapter
fastAdapter.with(listView: collectionView)
fastAdapter.with(listView: tableView)

Event hooks

public extension Events {
    public static let close = Event(name: "close")

class SampleEventHookItem: Item, Hookable {
    func someFunction() {

fastAdapter.eventHooks.add(on: .close) {
    [weak self] item, event in
    self?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

Advanced event hooks

public extension Events {
    public static let customEvent = Event(name: "custom event")

class MyCustomEvent: Event {
    private let data: Data
    public init(data: Data) { = data
        super.init(name: "custom event")

class SampleEventHookItem: Item, Hookable {
    func someFunction() {
        self.event(MyCustomEvent(data: data))

fastAdapter.eventHooks.add(on: .customEvent) {
    item, event in
    if let customEvent = event as? MyCustomEvent {