
A super simple dependency injection library written in Swift.



A super simple dependency injection library written in Swift.

Quick start

There are only two main steps to using Blade before you can start injecting.

1: Registering types

Before Blade knows how to inject a type, you need to register a provider so that it can be injected elsewhere in the project.

A typical place to do this is in the AppDelegate:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
	Resolver.register { MyInjectedType() }
	return true

2: Declaring injected properties

Once you've registered providers, you can then declare where those instances are injected using Blade's property wrappers.

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

	private var injectedProperty: MyInjectedType // This is resolved when `MyViewController` is created
	private var lazilyInjectedProperty: MyInjectedType // This is only resolved when first accessing, like when using `lazy var`

You can also use Blade to inject into initializers, by using Resolver directly:

class MyViewModel {

	init(injectedArgument: MyInjectedType = Resolver.resolve()) {
		// Do something with injectedArgument


By default, Blade will call the provider you register every time you inject or call Resolver.resolve(), but you can change this using a Scope.

Scoped objects are only created whenever first resolved or injected, and persist until every object that holds a reference to the scoped object are destroyed.

As an example, let's say you had a User object and you want it to be shared across a registration flow. You could inject it using a scope in every controller.

The first step is to define a new Scope, which (similar to a Qualifier) you do by defining a type that conforms to Scope:

enum RegistrationFlow: Scope {} 

Once defined, you register a provider using the scope:

Resolver.register(scopedTo: RegistrationFlow.self) { User() }

And once registered, you can then start injecting into whatever needs a shared User object for the flow:

class UsernameRegistrationController: UIViewController {

	private var user: User

class PasswordRegistrationController: UIViewController {

	private var user: User // The same instance of User as injected into `UsernameRegistrationController`

So long as PasswordRegistrationController is created before UsernameRegistrationController is destroyed, the User instance in both controllers will be the same, ready for you to use at the end of the flow.

NOTE: You can only use a Scope with a class types, not value types. So in this case, User is a class, not a struct.

You can also manually resolve objects for scopes:

class RegistrationManager {

	init(user: User = Resolver.resolve(scopedTo: RegistrationFlow.self)) {
		// Do something with user

It's important to understand that objects in a scope are only kept until nothing holds a reference to it. If all objects holding a reference to a scoped object are destroyed, the shared injected/resolved object is also destroyed. The next time an object tries to inject an object with the same scope, a new instance of the scoped object is created.

The exception to this rule is if you keep a reference elsewhere to the object that you provide when registering a provider for the scope, in that case Blade will not know that a new instance is required so will keep returning the same object until nothing holds a reference to it any more.


There might be times when you want to return different instances of an object depending on the circumstance that it's being used.

Blade currently supports this by you providing a qualifier type when registering a type, and you can use that same qualifier type when resolving, either using the Inject/LazyInject property wrappers, or when using Resolver directly.

The first step is to declare a new type that conforms to Qualifier. This could be a struct, a class, or an enum. I recommend using an enum, since we're only use the type, not an instance of the type, and enums don't have initializers:

enum MyQualifier: Qualifier {}

You can then use that qualifier when registering a type:

Resolver.register { MyInjectedType() } // This provider will be used when no qualifier is used when injecting/resolving
Resolver.register(qualifiedBy: MyQualifier.self) { MyInjectedType() } // This provider will only get used when `MyQualifier` is used when injecting/resolving

Once you've registered a provider for a qualifier, you can then specify the qualifier to use when injecting:

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

	private var injectedProperty: MyInjectedType

	private var injectedQualifiedProperty: MyInjectedType // This will use the instance provided by the registered provider specifically for `MyQualifier`

And you can also specify the qualifier if resolving manually:

class MyViewModel {

	init(injectedArgument: MyInjectedType = Resolver.resolve(qualifiedBy: MyQualifier.self)) {
		// Do something with injectedArgument


Blade comes with some property wrappers to help make injection easy and tidy.

The most common properry wrapper you would use is probably @Inject:

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

	var myInjectedProperty: MyInjectedType


@Inject resolves its type when it's created, so in the example above, MyInjectedType is resolved during the creation of MyViewController.

This means that you must have registered a provider before creating MyViewController, otherwise Blade won't be able to resolve the type, and your app will crash.

@Inject also has some other ways of creating it, so that you can use Scopes and Qualifiers with it too:

@Inject(MyScope.self) // Will try to resolve a type scoped to MyScope
@Inject(MyQualifier.self) // Will try to resolve a type qualified by MyQualifier
@Inject(MyScope.self, MyQualifier.self) // Will try to resolve a type scoped to MyScope and qualified by MyQualifier

You can also provide a closure to resolve the type if necessary:




@LazyInject has the same interface as @Inject, the difference between the two property wrappers is that @LazyInject only resolves when the injected property is first accessed, rather than when the containing type is created. This is the same as using lazy var when declaring a property.


@WeakInject has the same interface as @LazyInject and @Inject , except that it doesn't store a strong reference to the injected object. This is the same as using weak var when declaring a property, so if nothing else holds a reference to the resolved object it will be deallocated.

Good to know

Blade is very new, and very simple.

Compared to alternatives like Cleanse for Swift and Dagger for Java, Blade is simple, easy to learn and easy to use, but as a result may not be suitable for large or complex projects.

I'm really keen for you to use it, and let me know what problems you have or whether you think the API needs to change, or if new features are needed.

Blade has no notion of modules or graphs (although it does have Scopes and Qualifiers). If this impacts you, I'd love to learn more about the use case where this is required over what Blade currently offers, and whether it's something that Blade should include or whether Blade should commit to being simple and only used in simple projects.


Blade is only available via Swift Package Manager. From Xcode 11 and newer you can specify Blade as a remote dependency and Xcode will automatically handle resolving and including the dependency for you.