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Vanishing Gradients in Reinforcement Finetuning of Language Models (ICLR 2024)

Official implementation for the experiments in Vanishing Gradients in Reinforcement Finetuning of Language Models (ICLR 2024), based on the PyTorch, HuggingFace Transformers, and RL4LMs libraries.

Installing Requirements

Tested with python 3.7.

  • Install PyTorch from the official website (tested with version 1.11.0), including torchvision.
  • Install the remaining requirements using the script.

Alternatively, you can use the docker image and requirements.txt provided in the RL4LMs library.

1. Experiments on the GRUE Benchmark (Sections 4 and 5)

Our experiments on the GRUE benchmark are based on the RL4LMs library.

1.1 Extracting Reward and Output Text Samples

For a GRUE dataset, the following command generates multiple output text samples per train example, computes their reward, and saves the results to a file.

python --config_path <config_path>

Replace <config_path> with one of the paths below according to the desired dataset.

Dataset Configuration File Path
NarrativeQA rl4lms_scripts/extract_samples/t5_narrative_qa_extract_samples.yml
ToTTo rl4lms_scripts/extract_samples/t5_totto_extract_samples.yml
CommonGen rl4lms_scripts/extract_samples/t5_commongen_extract_samples.yml
IWSLT 2017 rl4lms_scripts/extract_samples/t5_iwslt2017_extract_samples.yml
CNN/Daily Mail rl4lms_scripts/extract_samples/t5_cnn_extract_samples.yml
DailyDialog rl4lms_scripts/extract_samples/gpt2_dialog_extract_samples.yml
IMDB rl4lms_scripts/extract_samples/gpt2_imdb_extract_samples.yml

By default, the outputs will be generated using a pretrained model. To modify the model you can replace alg.model_name configuration with the HuggingFace model name of your choice or a directory with a HuggingFace model checkpoint. Note that the reward mean and standard deviation scatter plots in the paper (e.g. Figure 1) were created based on the results of this command.

Additional Notes:

  • The output will be saved under the directory specified by the output_path run argument (default is outputs/rl4lms_stats).
  • To modify the number of output samples generated per train example, change the evaluation.num_samples_per_input field in the configuration file (default is 10).
  • To modify the number of train examples used, change the datapool.num_train_samples field in the configuration file (default is 5000).

1.2 Finetuning

The following command runs a single finetuning experiment based on the given configuration file.

python --config_path <config_path>

Replace <config_path> with the path to the desired finetuning configuration, which can be found under the rl4lms_scripts/training directory.

By default, finetuning is based on a pretrained model (either GPT-2 or T5-base). To modify the model you can replace the alg.model_name configuration with the HuggingFace model name of your choice or a directory with a HuggingFace model checkpoint. Specifically, to perform an initial supervised finetuning phase before reinforcement finetuning, first finetune the pretrained model using the supervised finetuning configuration (e.g. rl4lms_scripts/training/narrative_qa/t5_supervised.yml for the NarrativeQA dataset). Then, set the model name in the "ppo_on_supervised" configuration (e.g. rl4lms_scripts/training/narrative_qa/t5_ppo_on_supervised.yml for running reinforcement finetuning using PPO on the NarrativeQA dataset) to the saved model checkpoint from the supervised finetuning run.

Additional Notes:

  • Results and model checkpoint will be saved under the directory specified by the base_path_to_store_results run argument (default is outputs/rl4lm).
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.
  • See the RL4LMs GitHub page for more information on the available configuration options and customization.

Increasing learning rate, temperature, and entropy regularization (Section 5.1):

  • The learning rate can be modified via the alg.args.learning_rate field in the configuration file.
  • The temperature can be modified via the policy.args.generation_kwargs.temperature field in the configuration file.
  • The entropy regularization coefficient via the alg.args.ent_coef field in the configuration file.

Reducing the number of supervised finetuning optimization steps and fraction of labeled samples (Section 5.2):

  • The maximal number of supervised finetuning optimization steps can be modified via the alg.training_args.max_steps field in the configuration file (default is -1, which means the number of steps is determined by the number of epochs and batch size).
  • The fraction of training examples can be modified via the datapool.frac_train_samples field in the configuration file (default is -1, which means the whole training set will be used).

2. Controlled Experiments (Section 4.2)

2.1 Pretraining

python --plan_config_path <path_to_config_file>

Replace <path_to_config_file> with one of the paths below according to the desired experiment.

Model and Dataset Configuration File Path
MLP on MNIST sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_mlp_mnist_pretrain_experiments_plan.json
ResNet18 on CIFAR10 sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_resnet_cifar_pretrain_experiments_plan.json
BERT-mini on STS-B sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_bert_stsb_pretrain_experiments_plan.json

Additional Notes:

  • A folder with log files, metrics, and the model checkpoint will be automatically created under the directory specified by outputs_dir in the configuration file (default is outputs/controlled).
  • It is recommended to use a GPU by adding an available gpu id to the gpu_ids field in the configuration file.
  • The different configuration options are documents in common/experiment/ and sft_vs_rft/experiment/

2.2 Finetuning

python --plan_config_path <path_to_config_file>

Replace <path_to_config_file> with one of the paths below according to the desired experiment.

Model and Dataset Configuration File Path
MLP on MNIST w/ Adam sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_mlp_mnist_finetune_experiments_plan.json
MLP on MNIST w/ SGD sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_mlp_mnist_finetune_sgd_experiments_plan.json
MLP on MNIST w/ High Initial Reward sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_mlp_mnist_finetune_high_init_reward_experiments_plan.json
ResNet18 on CIFAR10 w/ Adam sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_resnet_cifar_finetune_experiments_plan.json
ResNet18 on CIFAR10 w/ SGD sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_resnet_cifar_finetune_sgd_experiments_plan.json
ResNet18 on CIFAR10 w/ High Initial Reward sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_resnet_cifar_finetune_high_init_reward_experiments_plan.json
BERT-mini on STS-B w/ Adam sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_bert_stsb_finetune_experiments_plan.json
BERT-mini on STS-B w/ SGD sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_bert_stsb_finetune_sgd_experiments_plan.json
BERT-mini on STS-B w/ High Initial Reward sft_vs_rft/experiment_plans/sft_vs_rft_bert_stsb_finetune_high_init_reward_experiments_plan.json

In the chosen configuration file, set the load_model_from_checkpoint field to the path of the checkpoint created during pretraining.

Additional Notes:

  • Make sure that the samples_rnd_seed configuration is the same as that used for pretraining, so that the data generation process for finetuning will be consistent with that for pretraining.
  • The configuration opt_method determines which type of finetuning is conducted. By default, the included configurations will run two experiments, one with supervised finetuning (supervised) and one with reinforcement finetuning using expected gradients (expected_reinforce).
  • A folder with log files, metrics, and the model checkpoint will be automatically created under the directory specified by outputs_dir in the configuration file (default is outputs/controlled).
  • It is recommended to use a GPU by adding an available gpu id to the gpu_ids field in the configuration file.
  • The different configuration options are documented in common/experiment/ and sft_vs_rft/experiment/


For citing the paper you can use:

  title={Vanishing Gradients in Reinforcement Finetuning of Language Models},
  author={Razin, Noam and Zhou, Hattie and Saremi, Omid and Thilak, Vimal and Bradley, Arwen and Nakkiran, Preetum and Susskind, Joshua and Littwin, Etai},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},