
This is a library with which you can perform an *Audio Recording* into your application, it is fully customizable, you can pass Audio settings in it. Spliting | Merging and overlap audio is coming soon features.

MIT License



This is a library with which you can perform an Audio Recording into your application, it is fully customizable, you can pass Audio settings in it.


You can install this library using cocoapods or manually.

  1. Cocoapods (If required or if there is any error on pod installation, first try to do pod setup or pod repo update)

    • pod 'MPAudioRecorder'
    • pod 'MPAudioRecorder', '~> 0.1' (For a stable swift 3.0 version)
  2. Manually

    • Copy the folder from the example included in the repository.


  1. NSMicrophoneUsageDescription : (It is mandatory from apple to add microphone usage description in your pList, else your application will crash)

             Key        :  Privacy - Microphone Usage Description    
             Value      :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) microphone use
  2. Create an instance of MPAudioRecorder like this /// MPAudioRecorder, assigning delegate is mandatory.

     let mpRecorder: MPAudioRecorder = MPAudioRecorder()
  3. In view did load assign the delegate, so that all relevant delegate methods can be invoked

    override func viewDidLoad()
        mpRecorder.delegateMPAR  = self // Imp

    If required do import AVFoundation in your view controller.

  4. To start the recording you can use a function and call it through the MPAudioRecorder instance you have created like this:-

  5. To stop the recording you can use a function and call it through the MPAudioRecorder instance you have created like this:-

  6. Delegates

     You can implement all the delegates as per requirement with few mandatory delegate implementation.
     A.  AudioRecorderDidFinishRecording:successfully: is called when a recording has been finished or stopped.
         This method is NOT called if the recorder is stopped due to an interruption.
         func audioRecorderDidFinishRecording(_ recorder: AVAudioRecorder, successfully flag: Bool)
     B.  If an error occurs while encoding it will be reported to the delegate
         func audioRecorderEncodeErrorDidOccur(_ recorder: AVAudioRecorder, error: Error?)
     C.  AVAudioRecorder INTERRUPTION NOTIFICATIONS ARE DEPRECATED - Use AVAudioSession instead. */
         audioRecorderBeginInterruption: is called when the audio session has been interrupted while the recorder was
         recording. The recorded file will be closed.
         func audioRecorderBeginInterruption(_ recorder: AVAudioRecorder) 
     D.  AudioRecorderEndInterruption:withOptions: is called when the audio session interruption has ended and this
         recorder had been interrupted while recording.
         Currently the only flag is AVAudioSessionInterruptionFlags_ShouldResume.
         func audioRecorderEndInterruption(_ recorder: AVAudioRecorder, withOptions flags: Int)
  7. Other properties which user can use.

         /// Settings, audio settings for a recorded audio.
         public var audioSettings        : [String : Int]?
         /// File name, Name of the audio file with which user wants to save it.
         public var audioFileName: String?
         /// Custom url if any user wants to save the recorded Audio file at specific location.
         public var customPath: String?
         /// If the user wants the recorded audio filed to be saved to the iPhone's library # Coming soon.
         public var shouldSaveToLibrary: Bool = false
         /// If user want delegates methods to be implemented in their class.
         public var delegateMPAR: MPAudioRecorderDelegate?

Coming soon...

  1. Split audio files

  2. Merge Audio files

  3. Overlap Audio files

Gif of sample

If you have any suggestions or see a scope of improvement please suggest as it is my first cocoapods library.
