
Timelane + Operations

MIT License


OperationTimelane ß

Note: Pre 1.0 software.

OperationTimelane provides an API allowing you to debug your Operation based asynchronous code visually in the Timelane Instrument.



Before getting started

  1. Download the latest release of the Timelane Instrument and install it on your computer: http://timelane.tools/#download.
  2. Add the OperationTimelane package to your Xcode project like described in the Installation section.

Debugging specific operation

Import the OperationTimelane framework in your code:

import OperationTimelane

Use the lane(_) function to "activate" an operation for debugging in Timelane when you are creating the operation:

let op = MyOperation().lane("My Operation")

Then profile your project by clicking Product > Profile in Xcode's main menu.

Select the Timelane Instrument template:

Inspect your operations on the interactive timeline:

Debugging specific operation queue

OperationTimelane offers a custom operation queue which automatically logs any added operations in Timelane. (No swizzling in favor of a custom type.)

Create a LaneOperationQueue (in other words replace your existing queue with) like so and then add operations as usual:

let myQueue = LaneOperationQueue(name: "My Queue")


All of the added operations will be visualized in Timelane like in the previous section.

For a more detailed walkthrough go to http://timelane.tools.

API Reference


Use lane("Lane name") to send data to both the subscriptions and events lanes in the Timelane Instrument.

lane("Lane name", filter: [.subscriptions]) sends begin/completion events to the Subscriptions lane.

lane("Lane name", filter: [.events]) sends events and values to the Events lane.


Use this function if you want to log a value for the current operation in Timelane.


Temporarily replace your own operation queue with this type to debug its operations in Timelane.


Swift Package Manager

I . Automatically in Xcode:

  • Click File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...
  • Use the package URL https://github.com/icanzilb/OperationTimelane to add TimelaneCombine to your project.

II . Manually in your Package.swift file add:

.package(url: "https://github.com/icanzilb/OperationTimelane", from: "1.0.0")


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate OperationTimelane into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add it to your Podfile:

pod 'OperationTimelane', '~> 1.0'


TODO: This repo contains a simple demo app. To give it a try open OperationTimelaneExample/OperationTimelane.xcodeproj and run the "OperationTimelaneDemo" scheme.


Copyright (c) Marin Todorov 2020 This package is provided under the MIT License.