
Testing IBOutlets and IBActions with curried functions in Swift

MIT License


IBOutlet and IBAction Assertion

An example of testing IBOutlets and IBActions with curried functions in Swift 2.2.

Head on over to the accompanying reflog post for an explanation of this project.


This little POC has been turned into a framework called Outlets and is available through CocoaPods.


The OutletActionAssertionTests project uses the Quick and Nimble frameworks installed through CocoaPods 0.39. The Pods folder is not checked in so you will need to run the pod install command after cloning this repo before the

Use Bundler to install and execute the right version of CocoaPods even after 1.0 is released.

bundle install
bundle exec pod install

Open OutletActionAssertion.xcworkspace and run the tests (Product > Test, or U).


This repo is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for rights and limitations.