
An extensible static site generation tool built with Swift.


Scute - Site Creation (u) Tool (e)

An extensible static site generator. Supports macOS and Linux.


Scute is a markdown-oriented static site generation tool. Pages are created using markdown, and automatically generated elements such as tables of contents and blog post lists are implemented via custom markdown plugins (e.g. @TableOfContents{depth:2}@).

The structure of your website is purely controlled by the structure of your source files and directories, keeping things simple.

GitHub flavoured markdown is supported.

In future I hope to make a simple mechanism for site creators to implement their own plugins to further customise the site generator.


scute hasn't been added to homebrew yet, and mint can't successfully install it, so for now it must be installed manually.

git clone
cd scute
swift build -c release
sudo cp .build/release/scute /usr/local/bin


scute create site_name
cd site_name
scute preview

If hosting with Vercel, you can use scute create site_name --vercel to automatically create the required vercel.json file along with your website.


Every scute project has a Scute.toml configuration file. The following example showcases all available configuration options.

config_version = 1 # always 1 for now
name = "Website Name"
input = "./src"
output = "./build"
page_template = "./src/_template.html"
syntax_theme = "atom-one-dark"


Customising theme

To customise a Scute site all you need to know is HTML and CSS. Just modify your page template (located at src/_template.html by default) and the stylesheet (located at src/css/page.css by default).

Adding pages

To add a page simply create a new markdown file and the route to that file once built will match the path to the file on disk (relative to the input directory). For example, creating src/ will create a new page at /achievements, and so will creating a file at src/achievements/

Adding resources

To add resources to your website, simply just add them to the input folder wherever you want. Any files that aren't handled by a plugin (only markdown and css by default) will get copied as-is to the output directory (preserving their location in the folder structure).


  • GitHub flavoured markdown
  • CSS minification (unused rules are removed)
  • Code block syntax highlighting
  • Auto-generated header ids for linking between sections
  • Automatic table of contents generation markdown extension
  • Automatic article list generation markdown extension