


swiftc -emit-sil -OにはSwift標準ライブラリの中身も出力される


extension Array {
    Returns the lowest index whose corresponding array value matches a given condition.

    :discussion: Starting at index 0, each element of the array is passed as the 1st parameter of condition closure until a match is found or the end of the array is reached. Objects are considered equal if the closure returns true.

    :param: condition A closure for finding the target object in the array

    :returns: The lowest index whose corresponding array value matches a given condition. If none of the objects in the array matches the condition, returns nil.

    :refer: http://stackoverflow.com/a/24105493
    func indexOf(condition: T -> Bool) -> Int? {
        for (idx, element) in enumerate(self) {
            if condition(element) {
                return idx
        return nil


func v1_index_of<C : CollectionType where C.Generator.Element : Equatable>(domain: C, condition: C.Generator.Element -> Bool) -> C.Index? {
    return find(lazy(domain).map(condition), true)


:0: Test Case '-[Benchmark.Benchmark testPerformance_v1]' measured [Time, seconds] average: 1.557,…

:0: Test Case '-[Benchmark.Benchmark testPerformance_v4]' measured [Time, seconds] average: 2.403,…



#!/usr/bin/env xcrun swift -i
import Foundation

func v1_index_of<C : CollectionType where C.Generator.Element : Equatable>(domain: C, condition: C.Generator.Element -> Bool) -> C.Index? {
  return find(lazy(domain).map(condition), true)

func v2_index_of<C : CollectionType>(domain: C, condition: C.Generator.Element -> Bool) -> C.Index? {
  for (idx, element) in enumerate(domain) {
    if condition(element) {
      return idx as? C.Index
  return nil

let a = [1,2,3]
let c = {(e: Int) -> Bool in e == 1}
let result1 = v1_index_of(a, c)
let result2 = v2_index_of(a, c)


swift-demangle-filter.py -g indexof.swift -o indexof.asm


うーん、、Swiftのアセンブリ出力は難しい。 もうちょっと簡単な方法はないか?とswiftc-emit-silを試す。

swift-demangle-filter.py -emit-sil indexof.swift -o indexof.sil



swift-demangle-filter.py -emit-sil -O indexof.swift -o indexof-O.sil



// Swift.find <A : Swift.CollectionType>(A, A.Generator.Element) -> Swift.Optional<A.Index>
sil public_external Swift.find <A : Swift.CollectionType>(A, A.Generator.Element) -> A.Index? : $@thin <C where C : CollectionType, C.Generator : GeneratorType, C.Generator.Element : Equatable, C.Index : ForwardIndexType, C.Index.Distance : _SignedIntegerType, C.Index.Distance.IntegerLiteralType : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible> (@out Optional<C.Index>, @in C, @in C.Generator.Element) -> () {
  bb0(%0 : $*Optional<C.Index>, %1 : $*C, %2 : $*C.Generator.Element):
  %3 = alloc_stack $RangeGenerator<C.Index>       // users: %10, %16, %38, %51, %55, %61
  // function_ref Swift.Range.generate <A : Swift.ForwardIndexType>(Swift.Range<A>)() -> Swift.RangeGenerator<A>
  %4 = function_ref Swift.Range.generate <A : Swift.ForwardIndexType>(Swift.Range<A>)() -> Swift.RangeGenerator<A> : $@cc(method) @thin <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : ForwardIndexType, τ_0_0.Distance : _SignedIntegerType, τ_0_0.Distance.IntegerLiteralType : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible> (@out RangeGenerator<τ_0_0>, @in Range<τ_0_0>) -> () // user: %10
  %5 = alloc_stack $Range<C.Index>                // users: %9, %10, %12
  // function_ref Swift.indices <A : Swift.CollectionType>(A) -> Swift.Range<A.Index>
  %6 = function_ref Swift.indices <A : Swift.CollectionType>(A) -> Swift.Range<A.Index> : $@thin <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : CollectionType, τ_0_0.Generator : GeneratorType, τ_0_0.Index : ForwardIndexType, τ_0_0.Index.Distance : _SignedIntegerType, τ_0_0.Index.Distance.IntegerLiteralType : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible> (@out Range<τ_0_0.Index>, @in τ_0_0) -> () // user: %9
  %7 = alloc_stack $C                             // users: %8, %9, %11
  copy_addr %1 to [initialization] %7#1 : $*C     // id: %8
  %9 = apply %6<C, C.Generator, C.Generator.Element, C.Index, C.Index.Distance, C.Index.Distance.IntegerLiteralType, C.Index._DisabledRangeIndex, C._Element>(%5#1, %7#1) : $@thin <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : CollectionType, τ_0_0.Generator : GeneratorType, τ_0_0.Index : ForwardIndexType, τ_0_0.Index.Distance : _SignedIntegerType, τ_0_0.Index.Distance.IntegerLiteralType : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible> (@out Range<τ_0_0.Index>, @in τ_0_0) -> ()
  %10 = apply %4<C.Index, C.Index.Distance, C.Index.Distance.IntegerLiteralType, C.Index._DisabledRangeIndex>(%3#1, %5#1) : $@cc(method) @thin <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : ForwardIndexType, τ_0_0.Distance : _SignedIntegerType, τ_0_0.Distance.IntegerLiteralType : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible> (@out RangeGenerator<τ_0_0>, @in Range<τ_0_0>) -> ()
  dealloc_stack %7#0 : $*@local_storage C         // id: %11
  dealloc_stack %5#0 : $*@local_storage Range<C.Index> // id: %12
  %13 = alloc_stack $Optional<C.Index>            // users: %16, %17, %21, %37, %50, %55, %56
  // function_ref Swift.RangeGenerator.next <A : Swift.ForwardIndexType>(inout Swift.RangeGenerator<A>)() -> Swift.Optional<A>
  %14 = function_ref Swift.RangeGenerator.next <A : Swift.ForwardIndexType>(inout Swift.RangeGenerator<A>)() -> A? : $@cc(method) @thin <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : ForwardIndexType, τ_0_0.Distance : _SignedIntegerType, τ_0_0.Distance.IntegerLiteralType : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible> (@out Optional<τ_0_0>, @inout RangeGenerator<τ_0_0>) -> () // users: %16, %55
  // function_ref Swift._doesOptionalHaveValue <A>(inout Swift.Optional<A>) -> Builtin.Int1
  %15 = function_ref Swift._doesOptionalHaveValue <A>(inout A?) -> Builtin.Int1 : $@thin <τ_0_0> (@inout Optional<τ_0_0>) -> Builtin.Int1 // users: %17, %56
  %16 = apply %14<C.Index, C.Index.Distance, C.Index.Distance.IntegerLiteralType, C.Index._DisabledRangeIndex>(%13#1, %3#1) : $@cc(method) @thin <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : ForwardIndexType, τ_0_0.Distance : _SignedIntegerType, τ_0_0.Distance.IntegerLiteralType : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible> (@out Optional<τ_0_0>, @inout RangeGenerator<τ_0_0>) -> ()
  %17 = apply [transparent] %15<C.Index>(%13#1) : $@thin <τ_0_0> (@inout Optional<τ_0_0>) -> Builtin.Int1 // user: %18
  cond_br %17, bb1, bb2                           // id: %18

  bb1:                                              // Preds: bb0 bb4



func v2_1_index_of<C : CollectionType where C.Generator.Element : Equatable>(domain: C, condition: C.Generator.Element -> Bool) -> C.Index? {
  for idx in indices(domain) {
    if condition(domain[idx]) {
      return idx
  return nil


:0: Test Case '-[Benchmark.Benchmark testPerformance_v1]' measured [Time, seconds] average: 1.557,…

:0: Test Case '-[Benchmark.Benchmark testPerformance_v2_1]' measured [Time, seconds] average: 1.057,…

:0: Test Case '-[Benchmark.Benchmark testPerformance_v4]' measured [Time, seconds] average: 2.403,…



swiftc -emit-sil -OにはSwift標準ライブラリの中身も出力されるので、暇な人は読んでみよう!
