
Great iOS11 app demo with Vision (VNTextObservation) and Tesseract-OCR-iOS

MIT License


WhichFont iOS11

Great iOS11 app demo with Vision (VNTextObservation) and Tesseract-OCR-iOS

How to start

  • Download the project
  • Run pod update
  • Open WhichFont.xcworkspace in XCode 9
  • Under the Pods project, tap on the TesseractOCRiOS target and set Enable Bitcode = NO
  • Run the project on a iOS11 device (tested on iPad Air and iPhone 6S)

How to use

  • Run the app
  • Put your business card on the table
  • Look into the camera and enjoy



What's new

v. 1.0.1

  • Now the app works greatly
  • Fixed tesseract bug
  • Added iPhone support


This is a demo project so... threads are not used with logic :) If you wanna publish an app like this, please keep in mind that you need to use the main thread in a more useful - right - way.

Buy me a beer

If you like my work, please buy me a beer (tap the beer):


WhichFont is distributed under the MITlicense (see LICENSE.md).


Daniele Galiotto - CO_Founder at Nexor Technology - www.nexor.it