
Swift wrapper for the NASA XPlaneConnect client



XPConnectKit is a swift wrapper around the XPlaneConnect client.


  • iOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 9.0



Create a Cartfile that lists the framework and run carthage update. Follow the instructions to add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/XPConnectKit.framework to an iOS project.

github "JanC/XPConnectKit" "master"

Usage example

The base class is the XPLConnector that you initialize with the ip or host name of the X-Plane running the XPlaneConnect server:

let connector = XPLConnector(host: "")

Single DREFs

To get a signle data ref, call the connector.get(dref:"...") method. To facilitate the parsing into expected types, you have to supply a Parser that will parse the float array into the type you expect:

let connector = connector(host: "")

do {
    // The com1_freq_hz values is an Int e.g. 11800 so we pass IntParser
    let com1 = try connector.get(dref: "sim/cockpit/radios/com1_freq_hz", parser: IntParser())
    print("com1: \(com1)")
    // The acf_tailnum values is an String so we pass StringParser
    let tailnum = try connector.get(dref: "sim/aircraft/view/acf_tailnum", parser: StringParser())
    print("tailnum: \(tailnum)")
} catch {
    print("error: \(error)")

Polling multiple DREF

You can use the XPLConnector to poll regurarly for a set of data refs. The closure with the result values will be called regurarly and result is a two dimentional array of Floats. You can use again a Parser to get the expected value:

let connector = XPLConnector(host: "")

let radioDrefs = [

let parser = IntParser()
connector.startRequesting(drefs: radioDrefs) { (values) in
    do {
        var index = 0
        self.com1Label.text = try parser.parse(values: values[index]).formattedFrequency
        index += 1
        self.com1LabelStby.text = try parser.parse(values: values[index]).formattedFrequency
        index += 1
        self.nav1Label.text = try parser.parse(values: values[index]).formattedFrequency
        index += 1
        self.nav1LabelStby.text = try parser.parse(values: values[index]).formattedFrequency
        index += 1
    } catch {
        print("Could not parse dref: \(error)")

To stop polling all currently requested drefs, call:



The XPConnector contains another module XPDiscoveryKit which is used to discover X-Plane instances running with XPlaneConnect plugin installed.


Once you build the Carthage modules, you need to import XPDiscoveryKit.framework as well as its dependency CocoaAsyncSocket.framework in your project.


let discovery = XPDiscovery()
discovery.delegate = self

// start the discovery
try? discovery.start()

// MARK: - XPDiscoveryDelegate

func discovery(_ discovery: XPDiscovery, didDiscoverNode node: XPLNode) {
    print("Discovered XPlane version \(node.beacon.xplaneVersion) - \(node.beacon.xplaneConnectVersion): \(node.address):\(node.port)")

func discovery(_ dicovery: XPDiscovery, didLostNode node: XPLNode) {
	print("Connection lost. No beacon received from \(node.address) after \(discovery.timeout)s")


We would love you for the contribution to XPConnectKit, check the LICENSE file for more info.


Jan Chaloupecky @TexTwil

Distributed under the XYZ license. See LICENSE for more information.

Extracted from project README
Swift Version License Carthage compatible
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