
Symfony API Bundle

MIT License


Symfony Api Bundle

This package allows you to expose fast api endpoints with Symfony.


  • Json request body transformer
  • Error messages are collected under a single format.
  • Language translation is applied to all error messages.
  • Custom cors header support
  • Automatic documentation generator (Thor)
  • Typescript client generator
  • Api DTO resolver
  • Doctrine filter & sorter resource
  • PhoneNumber, UniqueEntity, Username validator
  • Excel, Csv exporter (Sonata Export Bundle)


Required Symfony 7

composer req cesurapp/api-bundle

Configuration: config/packages/api.yaml

  exception_converter: false
    - { name: 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', value: '*' }
    - { name: 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods', value: 'GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE' }
    - { name: 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers', value: '*' }
    - { name: 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers', value: 'Content-Disposition' }
    base_url: "%env(APP_DEFAULT_URI)%"
        Content-Type: application/authheader
        Authorization: 'Bearer Token'
      query: []
      request: []
        Content-Type: application/header
        Accept: application/headaadsa
      response: []
      isAuth: true
      isPaginate: true
      isHidden: false

Generate TypeScript Client

View Documentation: http:://

bin/console thor:extract ./path # Generate Documentation to Directory

Create Api Response

use \Cesurapp\ApiBundle\AbstractClass\ApiController;
use \Cesurapp\ApiBundle\Response\ApiResponse;
use \Cesurapp\ApiBundle\Thor\Attribute\Thor;
use \Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class TestController extends ApiController {
        stack: 'Login|1',
        title: 'Login EndPoint',
        info: "Description",
        request: [
            'username' => 'string',
            'password' => 'string',
        response: [
            200 => ['data' => UserResource::class],
        dto: LoginDto::class, 
        isAuth: false, 
        isPaginate: false, 
        order: 0
    #[Route(name: 'Login', path: '/login', methods: ['POST'])]
    public function getMethod(LoginDto $loginDto): ApiResponse {
        return ApiResponse::create()
            ->setHTTPCache(60)  // Enable HTTP Cache
            ->setPaginate()     // Enable QueryBuilder Paginator
            ->setHeaders([])    // Custom Header
        stack: 'Profile|2',
        title: 'Profile EndPoint',
        query: [
            'name' => '?string',
            'filter' => [
                'id' => '?int',
                'name' => '?string',
                'fullName' => '?string',
        response: [200 => ['data' => UserResource::class]],
        isAuth: true, 
        isPaginate: false, 
        order: 0
    #[Route(name: 'GetExample', path: '/get', methods: ['GET'])]
    public function postMethod(): ApiResponse {
        $query = $userRepo->createQueryBuilder('q');
        return ApiResponse::create()
            ->setPaginate()     // Enable QueryBuilder Paginator
            ->setHeaders([])    // Custom Header

Create Api Resource

Filter and DataTable only work when pagination is enabled. Automatic TS columns are created for the table. Export is automatically enabled for all tables.

use \Cesurapp\ApiBundle\Response\ApiResourceInterface;

class UserResource implements ApiResourceInterface {
    public function toArray(mixed $item, mixed $optional = null): array {
        return [
            'id' => $object->getId(),
            'name' => $object->getName()
    public function toResource(): array {
        return [
              'id' => [
                'type' => 'string', // Typescript Type -> ?string|?int|?boolean|?array|?object|NotificationResource::class|
                'filter' => static function (QueryBuilder $builder, string $alias, mixed $data) {}, // app.test?filter[id]=test
                'table' => [ // Typescript DataTable Types
                    'label' => 'ID',                     // DataTable Label
                    'sortable' => true,                  // DataTable Sortable Column   
                    'sortable_default' => true,          // DataTable Default Sortable Column
                    'sortable_desc' => true,             // DataTable Sortable DESC
                    'filter_input' => 'input',           // DataTable Add Filter Input Type -> input|number|date|daterange|checkbox|country|language
                    // These fields are used in the backend. It doesn't transfer to the frontend. 
                    'exporter' => static fn($v) => $v,   // Export Column Template
                    'sortable_field' => 'firstName',     // Doctrine Getter Method
                    'sortable_field' => static fn (QueryBuilder $builder, string $direction) => $builder->orderBy('u.firstName', $direction),
            'created_at' => [
                'type' => 'string',
                'filter' => [
                    'from' => static function (QueryBuilder $builder, string $alias, mixed $data) {}, // app.test?filter[created_at][min]=test
                    'to' => static function (QueryBuilder $builder, string $alias, mixed $data) {}, // app.test?filter[created_at][max]=test


Using Filter

Filters are set according to the query parameter. Only matching records are filtered.

Sample request http://example.test/v1/userlist?filter[id]=1&filter[createdAt][min]=10.10.2023

Create Form Validation

Backend dates are stored in UTC ATOM format. In GET requests you get dates in ATOM format. In POST|PUT requests, send dates in ATOM format, converted to UTC.

use Cesurapp\ApiBundle\AbstractClass\ApiDto;
use Cesurapp\ApiBundle\Thor\Attribute\ThorResource;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

class LoginDto extends ApiDto {
     * Enable Auto Validation -> Default Enabled
    protected bool $auto = true;
     * Form Fields
    public string|int|null|bool $name;

    #[Assert\Length(min: 3, max: 100)]
    public ?string $lastName;

    #[Assert\Length(min: 10, max: 100)]
    public int $phone;

    #[Assert\GreaterThan(new \DateTimeImmutable())]
    public \DateTimeImmutable $send_at;
        new Assert\Type('array'),
        new Assert\Count(['min' => 1]),
        new Assert\All([
            new Assert\Collection([
                'slug' => [
                    new Assert\NotBlank(),
                    new Assert\Type(['type' => 'string']),
                'label' => [
                    new Assert\NotBlank(),
    #[ThorResource(data: [[
        'slug' => 'string',
        'label' => 'string|int|boolean',
    public ?array $data;