
A symfony bundle to easily load custom fonts for dompdf (on cache warming)

MIT License


Font loader for dompdf Bundle

This bundle provides a simple way to load/install fonts of your choice for the dompdf library in a symfony project. This bundle offers functionality to load font families programmatically or automatically on cache warmup. You can specify each font family with a name and a path to the font files or you let the bundle autodiscover all fonts in a directory.


  • Services for easy installation of font families
  • Configure font families in your config files, which will be loaded automatically on cache warmup
  • Autodiscover all fonts in configured directories


  • Symfony 6
  • PHP 8.1 or later


  1. Install the bundle composer require jbtronics/dompdf-font-loader-bundle
  2. Enable the bundle in your config/bundles.php (normally done by Symfony flex automatically)
  3. Put the font TTF files you want to use in a directory the webserver can access (preferably somewhere in your project folder)
  4. Add a config file config/packages/jbtronics_dompdf_font_loader.yaml, with the content described below (and changed according to your need)


  # Set this to true to enable the automatic font loading on cache warmup, without it you have to load the fonts
  # manually via the ConfiguredFontsInstaller service
  auto_install: true

  # You can specify font families here manually
    my_font: # The name of the font family (used to access it in dompdf later)
      # A font family consists of up to four font files (normal, bold, italic, bold_italic)
      normal: "%kernel.project_dir%/assets/fonts/my_font.ttf"
      bold: "%kernel.project_dir%/assets/fonts/my_font_bold.ttf"
      italic: "%kernel.project_dir%/assets/fonts/my_font_italic.ttf"
      bold_italic: "%kernel.project_dir%/assets/fonts/my_font_bold_italic.ttf"
    # But only the normal font file is required, the others can be omitted
      normal: "%kernel.project_dir%/assets/fonts/unifont.ttf"

  # Autodiscover allows you to specify directories, where all fonts will be loaded automatically
    # Each of this directory will be scanned for font files 
      - "%kernel.project_dir%/assets/fonts"
      - "%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/fonts/package/ttfs"
      # You can exclude certain patterns from the autodiscovery if you want
       - "exclude_this_font.ttf"

The fonts and autodiscovery keys are both optional, but at least one of them is required to load fonts.


When you have enabled the auto_install option, you do not have to do anything else, the fonts will be loaded automatically on cache warmup (when php bin/console cache:clear is run). The bundle will copy the font files to the dompdf font directory, create font metrics and register them in the dompdf library.


The autodiscovery mechanism will scan the configured directories for TTF files and register them as font families with the name of the font file. It also tries to detect the type of the font based on a suffix: _bold or _b will be detected as bold fonts, _italic, _i as italic fonts, and _bold_italic or _bi as bold italic. So the my_font_bold.ttf will be registered as bold font of the my_font family and so on, while my_font.ttf will be registered as normal font of the my_font family.

In principle dompdf should be able to use OTF files as well, however in my tests it did not work, so autodiscovery only detects TTF files by default. You can change the detected file types via the autodiscovery.file_pattern option.

Specify DOMPDF font location

Dompdf has its own font directory, where it stores the font files and metrics. This is configured on a per instance basis on a dompdf object with the set_option('fontDir', $path) method. To specify the font directory for the dompdf instance used by this bundle, you must decorate the DompdfFactoryInterface and configure the object in the create() method:

#[AsDecorator(decorates: DompdfFactoryInterface::class)]
class MyDompdfFactory implements DompdfFactoryInterface
    public function create(): Dompdf
        return new Dompdf(['fontDir' => '%kernel.project_dir%/var/dompdf/fonts']);

Manual font loading/installation

This bundle offers the DompdfFontLoader service, which can be used to install font families manually. You can either install a single font family with the installFontFamily() method or install all found fonts in a folder with the autodiscoverAndInstallFonts() method.


This bundle is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
