
Login Recaptcha Bundle

MIT License


Login reCAPTCHA Bundle


Login reCAPTCHA Bundle makes it easy for you to integrate Google reCAPTCHA inside login forms in Symfony 3.


This symfony bundle is available on Packagist as syspay/login-recaptcha-bundle and can be installed either by running the composer require command or adding the library to your composer.json.

To add this dependency using the command, run the following from within your project directory:

composer require syspay/login-recaptcha-bundle

Alternatively, add the dependency directly to your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "syspay/login-recaptcha-bundle": "^2.1"

After composer installation go to your AppKernel.php file and add the following line inside registerBundles():

$bundles = [
    new LoginRecaptcha\Bundle\LoginRecaptchaBundle(),


To use this functionality you have to use form_login_captcha instead of form_login in your security.yml file. This new security listener factory has all the same options as form_login but it has a required new option called google_recaptcha_secret where you have to enter your Google reCAPTCHA secret key.

    login_path: login
    check_path: login_check
    username_parameter: "login_form[username]"
    password_parameter: "login_form[password]"
    csrf_parameter: "login_form[_token]"
    default_target_path: homepage

From then on your login form expects a new post parameter called g-recaptcha-response which is created by any reCAPTCHA plugin. Then the bundle authenticates the response by using Google's own reCAPTCHA package.

Validating reCAPTCHA only after several failed attempts

By default the bundle always checks for the post parameter g-recaptcha-response but this can be annoying on users as they'd have to input the reCAPTCHA everytime they login, therefore there is an option to only validate the reCAPTCHA after several failed logins from an ip range. This option needs a couple of extra configurations on your end. The way it works is that everytime there is a failed login a listener is called to create or increment a particular key in your cache client.

All you have to do is to set up your cache client example redis and declare a particular service that the bundle expects. This service needs to implement the class LoginRecaptcha\Bundle\Client\CacheClientInterface. A Predis extension is already provided in the bundle under the name LoginRecaptcha\Bundle\Client\PredisClient. After creating your class or using the provided one declare the following service in your app/services.yml. It is very important that the service name is login_recaptcha.cache_client.

        class: LoginRecaptcha\Bundle\Client\PredisClient
            - '@snc_redis.default'
            - '%attempts%
            - '%expiry%

In my case @snc_redis.default is my cache service. The second argument is the number of failed attempts you want to verify the reCATPCHA after and the third argument is how long you want the key to stay in your cache.

After this all you have to do is add the option always_captcha: false under form_login_captcha in your security.yml file.

    login_path: login
    check_path: login_check
    username_parameter: "login_form[username]"
    password_parameter: "login_form[password]"
    csrf_parameter: "login_form[_token]"
    default_target_path: homepage
    always_captcha: false

To check on the front end whether you should be showing the reCAPTCHA widget or not you need to inject the service login_recaptcha.captcha_login_form.manager in your controller and call the function isCaptchaNeeded() which takes the $request->getClientIp(). This returns true or false which you can then pass as a variable to twig.