
A bundle for creating notifications and dispatching them to user through various channels

MIT License




This NotificationBundle allows for the easy creation and and sending of messages to users or other sources, via multiple channels. Its also enables easy broadcasting of data or messages via.

Out of the box with minimal configuration notifications can be sent to single or groups of users, via, email, SMS, slack and websockets (pusher).

Combine this bundle with FoundationInk Bundle to send beautiful html emails for any event Combine a pusher channel with taostr for instant and attractive notifications Combine a pusher channel and a database channel for simple direct messaging.

Basic setup

Out of the box, NotificationImage bundle should work with minimal configuration.

Step 1: Download and enable the bundle

Download with composer

composer require irishdan/notification-bundle

Enable the bundle in the kernel

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new IrishDan\NotificationBundle\NotificationBundle(),

Step 2: Configure some Notification Channels

Out of the box the bundle supports several channels, including:

To enable a channel simple add its configuration to your config.yml

# app/config/config.yml
        default_sender: '[email protected]'
        entity: 'AppBundle:Notification'
        app_id: "12"
        auth_key: "1111SECURE222KEY"
        secret: "SeCrEt"
        cluster: "eu"
        encrypted: true
        event: 'notification'
        channel_name: 'private-direct_' # This is a private channel
        api_key: 7654321
        api_secret: oiCHOIoi
        from: "YourApp"
        severity: 'info'

It's also possible to create custom channels or alter an existing channel's behavior

Step 4: Database, Pusher, Nexmo, and Slack channels have additional steps.

Some channels require additional steps

Database channel

The Database channel essentially persists a Doctrine entity to the database. A generator is provided to create the entity.

php bin/console notification:create-database-notification 

Pusher channel

Pusher is a a third party service with a decent free package. You need valid pusher credendials to use the channel.

The pusher PHP library is required also. Install with composer

composer require pusher/pusher-php-server

If you are using private channels (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED), the pusher authentication route is needed. Import the route into your project

# app/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@NotificationBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

Pusher requires a javascript library and additional to interact with pusher channel you have defined. Twig functions are provided which generate the required javascript

{% block javascripts %}
    <script src=""></script>
        // Enable pusher logging - don't include this in production
        Pusher.logToConsole = true;

        {{ notification_new_pusher_js() }}

        {{ notification_new_pusher_channel_js(app.user) }}

        channel.bind('{{ notification_pusher_event }}', function (data) {
            // The data object contains your notification data
            // Add custom js to react to the the notifcation.
            // A good solution is to use toastr to display the notification.
{% endblock %}

Nexmo channel

Nexmo Is a third party SMS service. You need valid credentials to use this channel.

Slack shannel


Step 5: Subscribe Users to one or more channels

In order for users to be sent notifications through the channels you have configured they must be subscribed to each channel.

Assuming your User class is AppBundle\Entity\User, implement the required interfaces: @TODO: Improve this


namespace AppBundle\Entity;

use IrishDan\NotificationBundle\Notification\NotifiableInterface;
use IrishDan\NotificationBundle\PusherableInterface;
use IrishDan\NotificationBundle\SlackableInterface;
use IrishDan\NotificationBundle\TextableInterface;
use IrishDan\NotificationBundle\EmailableInterface;

class User implements UserInterface, NotifiableInterface, EmailableInterface, TextableInterface, PusherableInterface, SlackableInterface, DatabaseNotifiableInterface

    // For convenience use the
    use FullyNofifiableTrait();

Step 6: Generate Notification objects

Each Notification is a separate Object. So for example you might have a NewMemberNotification() object and a NewPaymentReceivedNotification() object.

To create a new Notification object use the provided generator.

php bin/console notification:create

Step 7: Edit the Notification content

Uses twig...

Step 8: Send Notifications

To sent a notification, you need a Recipient.

Recipients are objects that implements NotifiableInterface, created in step 5 Notifications are objects that implement Notification interface, generated in step 6

Notifications are sent using the 'notification.manager' service like so:


/** $user NotifiableInterface */
$user = $this->getUser();

/** $notification NotificationInterface */
$notification = new NewMemberNotification();

// The notification.manager service is used to send notifications
$this->get('notification.manager')->send($notification, $user);

// You can send to multiple users also.
$this->get('notification.manager')->send($notification, [$user1, $user2]);

// You can pass extra data into the notification also
// This will be available in the data array
// and also in twig templates as {{ }}
$data = [
    'date' => new \DateTime(),
$this->get('notification.manager')->send($notification, $user, $data);


For more advanced setup read the Documentation


  • This bundle was inspired by the Laravel notification system