
Super-lightweight CMS bundle for Symfony

MIT License


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Orbitale CMS Bundle

This bundle is a simple helper to create a very simple CMS based on a classic system with Pages and Categories.


  • PHP 7.0+
  • Symfony 3.0+
  • Doctrine ORM


Require the bundle by using Composer:

$ composer require orbitale/cms-bundle


Register the necessary bundles in your Kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = [
        // ...
        new Orbitale\Bundle\CmsBundle\OrbitaleCmsBundle(),

Import the necessary routing files.

Warning: Both Page and Category controllers have to be "alone" in their routing path, because there is a "tree" routing management. If you set the prefix as "/" or any other path you are already using, make sure that OrbitaleCmsBundle routes are loaded at the end of your routing file, or you may have some unexpected "404" or other errors, depending on the routes priority. This is why we recommend you to load the CategoryController before the PageController, and let both routes config be the last ones of your routing.yml file. Note: In technical terms, the whole URI is scanned, not a simple part of it, this is why it can analyze very deep URIs like /home/blog/parent-link/child-link/element, and check all pages/categories.


# app/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@OrbitaleCmsBundle/Resources/config/routing/categories.yaml"
    prefix:   /category/

    resource: "@OrbitaleCmsBundle/Resources/config/routing/pages.yaml"
    prefix:   /page/

Create your entities

This bundle supports Doctrine ORM only.

In order to use it, you must create your own entities and configure the bundle with them.

Update your config:

# app/config/config.yml
    page_class: AppBundle\Entity\Page
    category_class: AppBundle\Entity\Category

Create the Page entity and add it to your config


namespace AppBundle\Entity;

use Orbitale\Bundle\CmsBundle\Entity\Page as BasePage;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Orbitale\Bundle\CmsBundle\Repository\PageRepository")
 * @ORM\Table(name="orbitale_cms_pages")
class Page extends BasePage
     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

     * @return int
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

Create the Category entity and add it to your config


namespace AppBundle\Entity;

use Orbitale\Bundle\CmsBundle\Entity\Category as BaseCategory;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Orbitale\Bundle\CmsBundle\Repository\CategoryRepository")
 * @ORM\Table(name="orbitale_cms_categories")
class Category extends BaseCategory
     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

     * @return int
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

Update your db schema

Update your database by executing this command from your Symfony root directory:

$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force


Manage pages

To manage your pages, you should use any back-end solution, like EasyAdmin (which we suggest) or SonataAdmin, or any other backend solution that can operate CRUD actions on entities. You must have configured it to manage at least the Orbitale\Bundle\CmsBundle\Entity\Page entity.

View pages

The PageController handles some methods to view pages with a single indexAction(), and the CategoryController uses its route to show all pages within a specified Category.

The URI for both is simply /{slug} where slug is the... page or category slug.

If your page or category has one parent, then the URI is the following: /{parentSlug}/{slug}.

You can notice that we respect the pages hierarchy in the generated url.

You can navigate through a complex list of pages or categories, as long as they are related as parent and child.

This allows you to have such urls like this one : for instance, will show only the members page, but its parent has a parent, that has a parent, and so on, until you reach the "root" parent. And it's the same behavior for categories.

Note: this behavior is the precise reason why you have to use a specific rules for your routing, unless you may have many "404" errors.

Generate a route based on a single page

Note: This behavior also works for categories.

If you have a Page object in a view or in a controller, you can get the whole arborescence by using the getTree() method, which will navigate through all parents and return a string based on a separator argument (default /, for urls).

Let's get an example with this kind of tree:

/ - Home (root url)
├─ /welcome       - Welcome page (set as "homepage", so "Home" will be the same)
│  ├─ /welcome/our-company            - Our company
│  ├─ /welcome/our-company/financial  - Financial
│  └─ /welcome/our-company/team       - Team
└─ Contact

Imagine we want to generate the url for the "Team" page. You have this Page object in your view/controller.

    {# Page : "Team" #}
    {{ path('orbitale_cms_page', {"slugs": page.tree}) }}
    {# Will show : /welcome/our-company/team #}

Or in a controller:

    // Page : "Team"
    $url = $this->generateUrl('orbitale_cms_page', ['slugs' => $page->getTree()]);
    // $url === /welcome/our-company/team

With this, you have a functional tree system for your CMS!

Change homepage

The homepage is always the first Page object with its homepage attribute set to true. Be sure to have only one element defined as homepage, or you may have unexpected results.

You can have multiple homepages if you add them restrictions based on host and locale (see next chapter).

Page restriction based host and/or locale

If you are hosting your application in a multi-domain platform, you can use the host attribute in your page to restrict the view only to the specified host.

It's great for example if you want to have different articles on different domains like and

If you want to restrict by locale, you can specify the locale in the page. The best conjointed use is with prefixed routes in the routing file:

# app/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@OrbitaleCmsBundle/Controller/PageController.php"
    type:     annotation
    # Add the locale to the prefix for if the page's locale is specified and is
    # not equal to request locale, the app will return a 404 error.
    prefix:   /{_locale}/page/


OrbitaleCmsBundle has some options to customize the design of your simple CMS.

Mostly, you will take care of the layouts option (see next chapter), or the design option.

Using different layouts

Obviously, the default layout has no style.

To change the layout, simply change the OrbitaleCmsBundle configuration to add your own layout:

# app/config/config.yml
        front: { resource: @App/layout.html.twig } # The Twig path to your layout

Without overriding anything, you can easily change the layout for your CMS!

Take a look at the default layout to see which Twig blocks are mandatory to render correctly the pages.

Advanced layout configuration

The basic configuration for a layout is to specify a template to extend.

But if you look at the Configuration reference you will see that there are many other parameters you can use to define a layout:

Prototype of a layout configuration:

  • name (attribute used as key for the layouts list):
    The name of your layout. Simply for readability issues, and maybe to get it
    directly from the config (if you need it).
  • resource:
    The Twig template used to render all the pages (see the above section)
  • assets_css and assets_js:
    Any asset to send to the Twig asset() function. The CSS is rendered in the
    stylesheets block, and js in the javascripts block.
  • host:
    The exact domain name you want the layout to match with.
  • pattern:
    The regexp of the path you want to match with for this layout.
    It's nice if you want to use a different layout for categories and pages. For
    example, you can specify a layout for the ^/page/ pattern, and another for
    If you specify a very deep pattern, you can even change the layout for a single

Take another look on the config reference if you need to get the prototype defaults.

⚠️ Warning! The first matching layout will be used, as well as routing would do, so be sure to configure them in the right order! Empty values won't be taken in account.

Changing the "breadcrumbs" look

Under the design option, you have some that you can use to optimize the rendering of the breadcrumbs.

Basically, it will look like this:

Homepage > Parent page > Current page

Note: The breadcrumbs wrapper already has id="breadcrumbs" on its tag.

  • breadcrumbs_class:
    Changes the class of the breadcrumbs wrapper.
  • breadcrumbs_link_class:
    Changes the class of any link in the breadcrumbs.
  • breadcrumbs_current_class:
    Changes the class of the current page in the breadcrumbs (which is not a link).
  • breadcrumbs_separator (default: ">"):
    Changes the default separator used. You can use anything, but mostly we see >,
    /, | or * on the web.
    Note: This character is escaped in twig, so do not use things like &larr;
    or the & sign will be replaced with &amp; (as well as other characters).
  • breadcrumbs_separator_class:
    You can specify a class for the separator (which is wrapped by a <span> tag),
    if you want to use special design or interaction on it.


If you want to cache your cms results, just activate it via the config:

        enabled: true
        ttl: 300

It uses Doctrine Result Cache so you need to activate it:

            result_cache_driver: apcu

You can read more about DoctrineCache here.

Setup EasyAdminBundle to manage pages and categories in its back-end

This configuration allows you to manage your pages and categories directly in the EasyAdminBundle way.

First, install EasyAdminBundle, and set it up by reading its documentation (view link above).

After you installed it, you can add this configuration to inject your new classes in EasyAdmin:

# app/config/config.yml
            label: admin.cms.pages
            class: App\Entity\Page
                fields: [ id, parent, title, slug, tree, content, metaDescription, metaTitle, category, host, locale, homepage, enabled ]
                fields: [ id, parent, title, slug, tree, host, locale, { property: homepage, type: boolean }, { property: enabled, type: boolean } ]
                fields: [ title, slug, content, metaDescription, metaTitle, metaKeywords, css, js, category, parent, host, homepage, enabled ]

            label: "Cms Categories"
            class: App\Entity\Category
                fields: [ id, parent, title, slug, tree, content, host, locale, homepage, enabled ]
                fields: [ id, parent, name, slug, description, { property: enabled, type: boolean } ]
                fields: [ name, slug, description, parent, enabled ]

Configuration reference

# app/config/config.yml
    page_class: ~              # Required, must extend Orbitale Page class
    category_class: ~          # Required, must extend Orbitale Category class
        # Prototype
            name:       ~      # Optional, it's automatically set from the key if it's a string
            resource:   ~      # Required, must be a valid twig template
            assets_css: []     # Injected with the `asset()` twig function
            assets_js:  []     # Injected with the `asset()` twig function
            pattern:    ~      # Regexp
            host:       ~      # Exact value
        breadcrumbs_class:           "breadcrumb"  # The default value automatically suits to Bootstrap
        breadcrumbs_link_class:      ""
        breadcrumbs_current_class:   ""
        breadcrumbs_separator:       ">"
        breadcrumbs_separator_class: "breadcrumb-separator"
        enabled: false
        ttl: 300


Go to the releases page to see what are the changes between each new version of Orbitale CmsBundle!