
Need a killer reset password feature for your Symfony? Us too!

MIT License


ResetPasswordBundle: Mind-Blowing (and Secure) Password Resetting for Symfony

Worrying about how to deal with users that can't remember their password? We've got you covered! This bundle provides a secure out of the box solution to allow users to reset their forgotten passwords.


The bundle can be installed using Composer or the Symfony binary:

composer require symfonycasts/reset-password-bundle


There are two ways to get started, the easiest and preferred way is to use Symfony's MakerBundle. The Maker will take care of everything from creating configuration, to generating your templates, controllers, and entities.

Using Symfony's Maker Bundle (Recommended)

  • Run bin/console make:reset-password, answer a couple questions, and enjoy our bundle!

Setting things up manually

If you prefer to take care of the leg work yourself, checkout the manual setup guide. We still recommend using the Maker command to get a feel for how we intended the bundle to be used.

If you used our Symfony Maker command bin/console make:reset-password after installation, your app is ready to go. Go to https://your-apps-domain/reset-password, fill out the form, click on the link sent to your email, and change your password. That's it! The ResetPasswordBundle takes care of the rest.

The above assumes you have already setup authentication with a registered user account & configured Symfony's mailer in your app.


You can change the default configuration parameters for the bundle in the config/packages/reset_password.yaml config file created by Maker.

    request_password_repository: App\Repository\ResetPasswordRequestRepository
    lifetime: 3600
    throttle_limit: 3600
    enable_garbage_collection: true

The production environment may require the default_uri to be defined in the config/packages/routing.yaml to prevent the URI in emails to point to localhost.

# config/packages/routing.yaml
            # ...
            default_uri: '<your project's root URI>'




The complete namespace of the repository for the ResetPasswordRequest entity. If you used make:reset-password, this will be App\Repository\ResetPasswordRequestRepository.


Optional - Defaults to 3600 seconds

This is the length of time a reset password request is valid for in seconds after it has been created.


Optional - Defaults to 3600 seconds

This is the length of time in seconds that must pass before a user can request a subsequent reset request.

Setting this value equal to or higher than lifetime will prevent a user from requesting a password reset before a previous reset attempt has either 1) Been successfully completed. 2) The previous request has expired.

Setting this value lower than lifetime will allow a user to make several reset password requests, even if any previous requests have not been successfully completed or have not expired. This would allow for cases such as a user never received the reset password request email.


Optional - Defaults to true

Enable or disable the Reset Password Cleaner which handles expired reset password requests that may have been left in persistence.

Advanced Usage

Purging ResetPasswordRequest objects from persistence

The ResetPasswordRequestRepositoryInterface::removeRequests() method, which is implemented in the ResetPasswordRequestRepositoryTrait, can be used to remove all request objects from persistence for a single user. This differs from the garbage collection mechanism which only removes expired request objects for all users automatically.

Typically, you'd call this method when you need to remove request object(s) for a user who changed their email address due to suspicious activity and potentially has valid request objects in persistence with their "old" compromised email address.

// ProfileController

#[Route(path: '/profile/{id}', name: 'app_update_profile', methods: ['GET', 'POST'])]
public function profile(Request $request, User $user, ResetPasswordRequestRepositoryInterface $repository): Response
    $originalEmail = $user->getEmail();

    $form = $this->createFormBuilder($user)
        ->add('email', EmailType::class)
        ->add('save', SubmitType::class, ['label' => 'Save Profile'])
    if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
        if ($originalEmail !== $user->getEmail()) {
            // The user changed their email address.
            // Remove any old reset requests for the user.
        // Persist the user object and redirect...
    return $this->render('profile.html.twig', ['form' => $form]);


Feel free to open an issue for questions, problems, or suggestions with our bundle. Issues pertaining to Symfony's Maker Bundle, specifically make:reset-password, should be addressed in the Symfony Maker repository.

Security Issues

For security related vulnerabilities, we ask that you send an email to ryan [at] instead of creating an issue.

This will give us the opportunity to address the issue without exposing the vulnerability before a fix can be published.