
E-Commerce website with Prisma PlanetScale db, optimistic updates with React Query, rating system, persistent cart, algolia search, categories, in stock indicator, infinite scroll and order tracking


Azon Shop

E-commerce website built with the modern t3-stack (typescript, drizzle, trpc, next.js app router) (see v1 for older t3-stack implementation w/ prisma)


  • Fully functioning, persistent Cart
  • Infinite scroll
  • Rating System
  • User profile with order history
  • Checkout with Stripe
  • Custom db with orders connected to Stripe
  • Authentication w/ Clerk
  • Algolia Autocomplete search

Migration from pages to app router

The current version was migrated to use app router along drizzle ORM and clerk auth. v1 branch is saved as a reference, built with pages router, prisma and next auth.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the environment variables from .env.example to your .env file

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd Azon-Shop

Install dependencies

  npm install

Connect to your db, update drizzle integration if not using PostgreSQL

in .env

Add all the vars to the .env

Set up Algolia

  1. Go to algoliaSeed.ts and change "azon1" to your index name:

    await client.saveObjects({ indexName: "azon1", objects: objectsToAdd });
  2. Go to Search.tsx and change:

    • sourceId: "AzonShop" to your Algolia application name.
    • indexName: "azon1" to your index.

Seeding the Database

Once you've completed the setup for Algolia and added the necessary environment variables, proceed with seeding your database with products.

Seed the Database: Run the following commands in your terminal:

 npm run db:productSeed
 npm run db:ratingsSeed
 npm run db:algoliaSeed

Checking the Changes

After the seeding process completes:

  • Algolia Dashboard: Visit the Algolia dashboard to see your data indexed based on your seeding.

  • Drizzle Studio: Access Drizzle Studio using the following command:

    npm run db:studio

    Use Drizzle Studio to examine your database and verify the seeded data.

Start the server

  npm run start

Tech stack

V.2 (main branch)

Client: React, Next.js (app router), Shadcn, React Query, TailwindCSS, Clerk. Server: Next.js, trpc, Drizzle ORM, PostgreSQL (Vercel DB).

V.1 - older t3 stack

Client: React, React Query, TailwindCSS, nextauth.js. Server: Next.js, trpc, prisma, planetscale. (see v1 branch)

Learn More

To learn more about the T3 Stack, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the create-t3-app GitHub repository — your feedback and contributions are welcome!

How do I deploy this?

Follow our deployment guides for Vercel and Docker for more information.


  • Move from Prizma to Drizzle ORM
  • Migrate from pages to app router (next js)
  • Use shadcn where reasonable
  • Integrate Sentry for error tracking
  • Algolia search