
Fully customizable and tests supported Laravel admin dashboard for developers.

MIT License


Laravel Admin dashboard

Like Laravel Jetstream but built with Hotwire Turbo + additional perks.

Tools used:



It's like Laravel Jetstream however built with Hotwire Turbo and AlpineJs instead of Livewire.

  • Laravel 8.0 ✔️
  • Alpinejs 3.0 ✔️
  • Hotwire Turbo 7.0 ✔️
  • tailwindcomponents/dashboard theme ✔️
  • Login ✔️
  • Forgot Password ✔️
  • 2 role authorisation system admin, member ✔️
  • CRUD for Users ✔️
  • Welcome email for a new user with a link for setting up a new password ✔️
  • Profile with change password, email and user's image option ✔️
  • Confirmation email to confirm a new user's email ✔️
  • CI included (github actions) ✔️
  • Larastan ✔️
  • PHPCS ✔️
  • Phpinsights ✔️
  • Over 200 tests included ✔️


After installing Laravel you should run those commands:

git clone
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
npm install
npm run dev
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Care for the code

Let's face it. Sometimes we are sloppy, and we don't take the best care of the code. Here are some tools available that can help you and they are run automatically when you pushed to the repository or you can run them manually as composer commands. Let's look at them:

  • phpcs: php code style formatter composer phpcs

  • prettier: js code formatter composer jsprettier

  • php insights: PHP code quality analyser composer insights

  • phpstan: PHP static analysis tool composer phpstan


Licensed under the MIT license