
This weather app has basic weather app functionalities such as viewing current weather details (temperature, humidity, and winds speed), viewing daily weather forecast, viewing the hourly weather forecast, viewing toast messages for the best user experience, viewing weather details of the current location, view current date time, view temperature


Task 3 : React JS Weather Forecast Dashboard

Live demo: https://weather-application-24.netlify.app/

Project Description

Mainly focused on react js front-end development. I used CSS for styling.

This weather app has basic weather app functionalities such as viewing current weather details (temperature, humidity, and winds speed), viewing daily weather forecast, viewing the hourly weather forecast, viewing toast messages for the best user experience, viewing weather details of the current location, view current date time, view temperature in celsius and Fahrenheit and sunset/sunrise time, etc.

What I used


  • Basic ReactJs knowledge
  • Basic HTML, CSS knowledge

Getting Started

After getting the project files, you need to go the file directory and run

npm install

and after that start the dev server.

npm start

Tools Used

  1. Favicon: Flaticon.com
  2. Code Editor: VS Code


Q: What are the prerequisites?

basics of html, css, javascript and some basic knowledge of react is enough to start this project. Rest you will learn in the tutorial.

Q: Who the project is for?

The project is for the people who wanna get more skilled in ReactJs.

Website's screenshots

Happy Coding! 🚀